Which Country Is Safest During a Nuclear War?

I received a spam email with the subject line “Which Countries Are the Safest If World War 3 Breaks Out? 2024 Study.”

There wasn’t any study. The thing was full of links to a website selling murderous video games. And the driest place in the Pacific Ocean is as real as the safest place in WWIII.

Why can people not get it through their heads that nuclear war kills the planet not just particular places on it?

Here’s the laughable email text, with the links to the kill-kill-kill video games read more

Which Country Is Safest During a Nuclear War? Read More »

NATO’s Wars Versus Human Survival

Remarks at http://nonatoyespeace.org

The NATO of the popular imagination is an assembly of representatives of democratic nations who commit to making the world more peaceful, including by militarily defending each other if one of them is attacked. There could hardly exist a more grave collection of lies. NATO is in fact an institution devoted primarily to the increased sale of weaponry to governments of every type — neither its members nor its often openly dictatorial partners acting at the bidding read more

NATO’s Wars Versus Human Survival Read More »

Busboys and Poets Was Packed Friday Night to Welcome Those in Town to Unwelcome NATO to Washington DC

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, July 5, 2024

In Washington, D.C., on Friday the convention center looked like this:

But nearby in Busboys and Poets restaurant, the scene looked like this:

Here’s what it sounded like:

These fine people were in town to unwelcome NATO! See https://nonatoyespeace.org

Some of them had walked to Washington from Maine! See: https://peacewalk2024.org

Busboys and Poets Was Packed Friday Night to Welcome Those in Town to Unwelcome NATO to Washington DC Read More »

Veterans For Peace Walk from Maine, Arrive in DC to Unwelcome NATO

They walked form Maine and arrived in Washington, D.C., today in unbearable heat. See: https://peacewalk2024.org

The first order of business was blocking K Street.

Then on to the White House:

Tarak Kauff commented on why he had walked so far:

Ben Grosscup gave them a welcoming song:

We’re all preparing to unwelcome NATO to Washington. See: https://nonatoyespeace.org

Veterans For Peace Walk from Maine, Arrive in DC to Unwelcome NATO Read More »

VIDEO: Canada Out of NATO

By Yves Engler, July 5, 2024

On the eve of NATO’s 75-year anniversary celebration in Washington DC, the co-author of NATO: What You Need To Know joined Talking Foreign Policy: an internationalist perspective on Canadian foreign policy. Yves talks about Canada’s role in NATO and David Swanson details how the alliance launches wars of aggression and promotes arms sales. read more

VIDEO: Canada Out of NATO Read More »

David Swanson on Global Connections Television

By Global Connections Television, June 30, 2024

David Swanson, author, activist, journalist, and radio host, is executive director of WorldBeyondWar.org and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. His latest book is: “NATO: What You Need to Know.” NATO, which is approaching its 75th Anniversary, is not the UN or a stand-alone nation. Swanson suggest that NATO not pursue destructive read more

David Swanson on Global Connections Television Read More »

Thank You to the SXSW Festival for Dumping the U.S. Army

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, June 27, 2024

South by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual conglomeration of parallel film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences organized jointly that take place in mid-March in Austin, Texas. It has been growing in size since 1987. The festivals just dumped weapons makers and the U.S. Army out the door: “After careful consideration, read more

Thank You to the SXSW Festival for Dumping the U.S. Army Read More »