Talk World Radio: Kathy Kelly on Ending Wars


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio, we’re discussing the state of war and peace in the world with peace activist Kathy Kelly. Kathy’s efforts to end wars have led her to living in war zones and prisons over the past 35 years. In 2009 and 2010, Kathy was part of two Voices for Creative Nonviolence delegations which visited Pakistan to learn more about read more

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The U.S. Military Is Registering 15-Year-Olds for the Draft

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 18, 2021

Most U.S. states still have excuses when asked to make voter registration automatic, but in various states — including here in Virginia — draft registration is automatic even for 15-year-olds who want a learner’s permit to drive a car. (This is still only for males, as Congress did not, in the end, extend draft registration to females, at least until read more

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Rusty Whistles: The Limits of Whistleblowing

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 17, 2021

I’ve been reading a book called Whistleblowing for Change, edited by Tatiana Bazzichelli, a beautifully put-together volume with numerous articles about whistleblowing, about art and whistleblowing, and about building a culture of whistleblowing: of supporting whistleblowers, and of making better known the outrages they’ve blown the whistle on. I want to focus here on the sections of this book written by whistleblowers (or in one read more

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U.S. Hypocrisy Exposed As It Massacres Civilians Abroad

By By Any Means Necessary, December 16, 2021

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by David Swanson, activist, journalist, radio host, Executive Director of World BEYOND War and author of the new book “Leaving World War II Behind” to discuss the recently revealed “Talon Anvil” unit which is responsible for killing of civilians in Syria beyond what was already allowed by the military, politicians spreading the mythology of drone warfare read more

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Check Out the Check List to End Tyranny

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 15, 2021

Whether or not you’re familiar (as everyone should be) with Peter Ackerman’s book and film “A Force More Powerful” about successful nonviolent activism campaigns, or his other books and films on the same theme, if you have any interest in changing the world for the better you’ll probably want to check out his short new book, The Checklist to End Tyranny. A webinar on this book would have accomplished radically more than the read more

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Reducing the Need for Poetry

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 15, 2021

Edward Tick’s book, Coming Home in Vietnam, is made up of lovely and powerful poems. But I can’t help wishing they weren’t needed. Just as some members of Veterans For Peace talk about honoring veterans by ceasing to create any more veterans, I wish we could honor these poems by eliminating the need — and it clearly is a need, not a desire — for anyone to write any more of them. Other types of poetry would be welcome!

The poems take read more

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Audio: Cover-Up in Kabul Strike

By Political Misfits, December 15, 2021


David Swanson, activist, journalist, radio host and author of the book “Curing Exceptionalism,” talks to us about how the Pentagon “cover-up” in the Kabul drone killing of a family continues, with the news that no US troops will be punished for deadly Kabul strike, how impunity is rampant in the military, and war crimes accusations only apply to our opponents. We also talk about the strike force Talon Anvil, which operated in Syria from 2014 to 2019 and is responsible for countless civilian deaths and how the burden of responsibility gets shifted across the board.

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A Christmas Truce Would Come in Very Handy Right About Now

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 14, 20

Ya gotta love how the U.S. media annually freaks out about a “war on Christmas” by which it means something completely unrelated to any wars, while the U.S. military always has several actual wars going on Christmas, the same as every other day. Perhaps especially on Christmas, as George Washington’s slaughter of drunk and sleeping British soldiers on Christmas 1776 has been rendered so “special” that it’s claimed read more

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Elizabeth Samet Thinks She Already Found the Good War

If you were to read reviews of Elizabeth Samet’s book, Looking for the Good War — such as the one in the New York Times or the other one in the New York Times — a little too quickly, you might find yourself reading her book and hoping for a reasoned argument against the supposed justifiability of the U.S. role in World War II.

If you had just written a book yourself, as I have, making the case that WWII plays a disastrous role in current U.S. read more

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