This Atheist Begs You to Read the Pope’s New Book

By David Swanson

Pope Francis’s new book is called Against War: Building a Culture of Peace.

I’m sure some Catholics will recommend it to you. But let this atheist do so as well.

Perhaps this book won’t be promoted by those Catholics sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court or in the U.S. Congress or just living in the United States and owning a television. But if 5 percent of Catholics in the world were to read this book and act on it, we’d see the abolition of war and militaries. read more

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Roger Waters on War, Peace, and Music

By World BEYOND War, August 8, 2022

A webinar hosted by World BEYOND War on August 8, 2022, with Todd Pierce and David Swanson moderating.

Project for the Study of American Militarism,
World BEYOND War,
Women Against Military Madness,
Veterans For Peace,
Andy Worthington,
Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste,,,
Canadian BDS Coalition,
Twin read more

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The People in Hiroshima Didn’t Expect it Either

When New York City recently released a grotesque “public service announcement” video explaining that you should stay indoors during a nuclear war, the corporate media reaction was principally not outrage at the acceptance of such a fate or the stupidity of telling people “You’ve got this!” as if they could survive the apocalypse by cocooning with Netflix, but rather mockery of the very idea that a nuclear war might happen. U.S. polling on people’s top concerns read more

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Seattle to Rally for Nuclear Abolition

Join Citizens for the Universal Abolition of Nuclear Weapons at noon on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at Cal Anderson Park in Seattle for a march to and rally at the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building where we will call for the universal abolition of nuclear weapons.

This event is organized entirely by volunteers. Click here if you would like to help with this important event!

Our keynote speaker is David Swanson. David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive read more

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Negotiating Peace With Monsters

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, July 24, 2022

The two sides in the war in Ukraine have negotiated a deal to at least reduce the starvation in Africa and elsewhere that may result from the war, by agreeing to a means of exporting some grain.

The same two sides had previously reached agreements on prisoners of war.

The odd thing about this — although it happens in every war — is that each of the two sides has negotiated with what it characterizes as irrational monsters on the other side with read more

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Avoiding WWIII

The death and suffering in Ukraine does not yet remotely compare with that in Yemen. Nor does the death and suffering from war in Yemen yet compare with that around the world resulting from the misdirection of resources into war — not to mention the impediments to urgently needed global cooperation created by war.

But we talk about Ukraine, not only because it’s in corporate media and involves relatively wealthy, weapons-dealing, European nations waging war at home instead of in distant read more

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