In the Words of War Expert George W. Bush, Is Our Children Learning?

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, October 19, 2023

Remarks on October 19 at Uniting for Peace Conference

Likely place to find video:

For Western media consumers, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Azerbaijan, and various other ongoing wars might as well not exist. But Joe Biden is seeking money from the U.S. Congress for four wars at once, so that he can pay the world’s largest merchants of death to ship massive piles of free weapons to Ukraine, Israel, and (even if it’s not a read more

In the Words of War Expert George W. Bush, Is Our Children Learning? Read More »

My Upcoming Events in Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin

November 9, 2023: Columbus, Ohio

The Columbus Free Press Annual Awards Dinner
5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The Vanderelli Room, 218 McDowell St, Columbus, OH 43215
Free – all are welcome

Featuring peace activist David Swanson on “War Abolition and the Ukraine Problem”

Honoring local community activists:
2024 Free Press “Libby” Award for lifetime achievement in Community Activism – Cynthia Brown of the Ohio Coalition to End Qualified Immunity
2024 Free Press Activist Artist Award – read more

My Upcoming Events in Ohio, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin Read More »

Netanyahu’s Lie About Holocaust Is Not What You Might Think

With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hellbent on genocide, people keep sharing a scandalous article from 2015 called “Netanyahu: Hitler Didn’t Want to Exterminate the Jews.” I’m afraid it may give people the wrong idea. Netanyahu’s lie was that a Muslim cleric from Palestine convinced Hitler to kill Jews. But when read more

Netanyahu’s Lie About Holocaust Is Not What You Might Think Read More »

Palestine, Like Much of the World, Needs a Radical Change

By World BEYOND War, October 9, 2023

Needless to say, the horrors underway in Palestine and Israel did not just begin and trace their roots to the Nakba and to the criminal violence that has not ended since then. It’s very necessary to add that nothing excuses the violence committed by Hamas. The Israeli government has not chosen to learn that its violence may produce more violence. Hamas has not chosen to learn that its violence may produce more violence. It’s very necessary to be mature enough read more

Palestine, Like Much of the World, Needs a Radical Change Read More »

Foreign Policy for Children

Many years ago, it occurred to me to try teaching foreign policy in preschool.

In a typical preschool, anywhere on Earth, when children have disputes, there can be pushing, shoving, crying, screaming, and all sorts of unpleasantness. The teacher cannot always know what happened from the beginning. He or she may only see the ending. The general theory is that first one must stop any physical altercation, next comfort each child, and finally — when things have calmed down — teach each child to read more

Foreign Policy for Children Read More »

Nobel Committee Doesn’t Even Pretend the Peace Prize Is About Peace

The Nobel Committee has yet again awarded a peace prize that violates the will of Alfred Nobel and the purpose for which the prize was created, selecting a recipient who blatantly is not “the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses.”

There is no question that advocating for human rights is a good thing, or that doing so under an oppressive government is a read more

Nobel Committee Doesn’t Even Pretend the Peace Prize Is About Peace Read More »