Search Results for: Israel

Opposing Both Israeli and Hamas Killing Is a Model for All Wars

Of course, millions of people all over the world and in the United States support either Israeli or Hamas warmaking — warmaking which (one must point out the obvious because the very topic of warmaking renders so many people mentally dull) is on a very different scale and of a very different type, one from the other. At the moment, I’m not writing to any of those war supporters.

What interests me is that for a huge number of people, for several months now, it has been the required, proper politics read more

Opposing Both Israeli and Hamas Killing Is a Model for All Wars Read More »

Does Every Person in Israel Deserve to Die?

I fervently hope, dear reader, that you do not agree that every person in Israel deserves to die. But I know some of you do, and I hope to suggest a better way of looking at it. I know that you’re even more unlikely to agree with me that nobody ever anywhere “deserves to die.” But the closer you can get to agreeing with that, the better!

Have you heard people calling the Oct. 7, 2023, attacks on Israel a “success,” despite the perfectly predictable results piling up in mass graves? You read more

Does Every Person in Israel Deserve to Die? Read More »

Stunning Defense of Israel Window Added to War Memorial Chapel of National Cathedral

The latest architectural detail added to the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., is simply stunning. The Defense of Israel Window, revealed on Easter Sunday in the War Memorial Chapel has a great deal of detail. In the center, in fiery reds and oranges an MK84 bomb falls, and then impacts, with huge chunks of buildings, bodies, and limbs, flying out in all directions. Around the sides, bleeding children crawl and wail.

Skeletal people look to the skies and the seas for blue and green humanitarian read more

Stunning Defense of Israel Window Added to War Memorial Chapel of National Cathedral Read More »

International Court of Justice Rules That Israel Must Stop Killing Palestinians

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, January 26, 2024

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must cease its warmaking in Gaza — cease committing and inciting genocidal acts — and that the case charging Israel with genocide must proceed.


  1. By 15-2: Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent all acts within the scope of Genocide Convention article 2
  2. 15-2: Israel must immediately ensure that its military does not commit acts within the scope of GC.2
  3. 16-1: Direct and punish all members of the public who engage in the incitement of genocide against Palestinians
  4. 16-1: Ensure provision of urgently needed basic services, humanitarian aid
  5. 15-2: Prevent the destruction of and ensure the preservation of evidence to allegation of acts of GC.2
  6. 15-2: Israel will submit report as to how they’re adhering to these orders to the ICJ within 1 month

This is Article 2 of the Genocide Convention:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as read more

International Court of Justice Rules That Israel Must Stop Killing Palestinians Read More »

Increasingly Bold Israel Begins Building Settlements In Downtown Charlottesville

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA—In a move that shocked and angered city residents, including families that have called the area home for centuries, an increasingly bold Israel announced Tuesday that it had begun building settlements for its citizens in downtown Charlottesville, VA. “Our High Planning Committee has approved 1,200 new Israeli homes in Charlottesville’s central business district and will soon move forward with plans to expand into the nearby Vinegar Hill and Belmont neighborhoods as well,” read more

Increasingly Bold Israel Begins Building Settlements In Downtown Charlottesville Read More »