Search Results for: Israel

Former Pentagon Staff Speaks Out on Crimes of Doug Feith, Dick Cheney, and Planning of Iran War

By David Swanson

The following is a remarkable interview of Karen Kwiatkowski who retired from the active duty USAF as a Lieutenant Colonel in early 2003. Her final assignment was in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary for Policy Near East South Asia (NESA) Policy directorate. In her responses below, Kwiatkowski describes the manipulation of intelligence on Iraq and Iran and what it would take to avoid an attack on the latter.

I began the interview by asking about Undersecretary read more

Former Pentagon Staff Speaks Out on Crimes of Doug Feith, Dick Cheney, and Planning of Iran War Read More »

Doug Feith versus The Blogosphere

By David Swanson

An interview of Allison Hantschel.

AUDIO 30 Minutes:

David: This is David Swanson with Allison Hantschel, the blogger of the blog site, First Draft , and the author of the book “Special Plans, the blogs on Douglas Feith and the faulty intelligence that led us to war.” Allison, it is good to talk to you. How are you doing?

Allison: I’m doing good, thank you so much for having me.

David: read more

Doug Feith versus The Blogosphere Read More »

Iran War Talking Points

By David Swanson

Aiding a nation against a foreign invasion is not grounds for war. The US aided France against Germany and still brags about it.

WMD possession is not grounds for war. The US has more of them than anyone.

The motivation for attacking Iran was laid out in 2000 by the PNAC, and as early as 1992 in defense planning guidance — written for then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney by then-Pentagon staffers I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, World Bank Chief Paul Wolfowitz, and read more

Iran War Talking Points Read More »

The Ethics of Palestinian Resistance

By David Swanson

With Jimmy Carter’s book a best seller and the Iraq War a top political concern, many Americans may have an interest right now in thinking about Israel and Palestine. I’d like to recommend to anyone with that interest picking up a copy of a short and brilliant book by the British philosopher Ted Honderich called “Right and Wrong and Palestine, 9-11, Iraq, 7-7.”

“7-7,” for Americans who haven’t memorized that number, is the date of the read more

The Ethics of Palestinian Resistance Read More »

Did They Fool You on Iraq? Are You Ready for Iran?

By David Swanson

A majority of Americans supported attacking Iraq, but now a majority of Americans say it was the wrong thing to do and that they were lied to. If you are among those who supported the attack on Iraq but now believe you were mistaken, then you have one step up on our president – he’s never publicly admitted a mistake in his life. In fact, he once demonstrated the difficulty he has in even imagining being wrong by unsuccessfully attempting to recite the following wise saying: read more

Did They Fool You on Iraq? Are You Ready for Iran? Read More »

Where Were You When They Took Your Rights Away?

By David Swanson

Can you name the one country on earth where the government can steal elections, strip away basic rights, spy on citizens, and launch wars based on lies, but where the people do not take over the nation’s capital in protest?

If you said the United States, you’ll be wrong on September fifth when Camp Democracy begins on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

At long last, Americans are preparing to say “Enough is enough,” and to read more

Where Were You When They Took Your Rights Away? Read More »

Impeachment: Why and How

Impeachment: Why and How
By David Swanson


Many previous presidents and vice presidents have committed one or two of the following crimes. Never before has any approached this total level of assault on the Constitution. If we do not impeach now, we never can again, and the legislative branch will not maintain power over the executive or judicial. We will be unable to end the war, stop global warming, fund education, challenge stolen elections, win elections, or accomplish any of our other read more

Impeachment: Why and How Read More »

Rupert Murdoch Hosted Hillary Fundraiser

By David Swanson

On Monday, July 17, 2006, at Fox News headquarters in New York City, Rupert Murdoch hosted a fundraiser breakfast for Hillary Clinton. Then he rushed off to a fundraiser lunch for John McCain, and Hillary rushed off to announce her unqualified support for Israel’s and Bush’s war policies.

Hillarupert Murdoclinton strikes some people as an unusual combination. I’m sure someone could create a funny cartoon out of that name and a merger of their two smirking masks. read more

Rupert Murdoch Hosted Hillary Fundraiser Read More »

An Atheist Manifesto

By Sam Harris, Truth Dig

Editor’s Note: At a time when fundamentalist religion has an unparalleled influence in the highest government levels in the United States, and religion-based terror dominates the world stage, Sam Harris argues that progressive tolerance of faith-based unreason is as great a menace as religion itself. Harris, a philosophy graduate of Stanford who has studied eastern and western religions, won the 2005 PEN Award for nonfiction for The End of Faith, which powerfully examines read more

An Atheist Manifesto Read More »

Iran Through the Media

By David Swanson

An AP article on Tuesday begins: “President Bush bats away talk of bombing Iran’s disputed nuclear sites as ‘wild speculation.’ But plodding diplomacy hasn’t borne fruit so far, and the administration is facing a hard truth: There may be no way to stop Iran from getting the bomb.”

Here we have encapsulated the most warmongering position to be found in the U.S. media. The reporter who wrote this, Anne Gearan, believes that Bush is lying when he read more

Iran Through the Media Read More »