Smedley Butler Wasn’t Kidding

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, February 4, 2022

Smedley Butler is generally left out of U.S. history. If you bring up a guy who prevented a Wall Street coup against FDR, you do real damage to the tale of peaceful respect for government from the beginning of time up through January 6, 2021. If you mention the scandal that erupted when he recounted how Mussolini had run over a little girl with his car, it’s hard to leave out the U.S. government’s friendly relations with Mussolini.

Interestingly, read more

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Why Ukraine Needs the Kellogg-Briand Pact

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, February 2, 2022

In 1929, Russia and China proposed to go to war. Governments around the world pointed out that they’d just signed and ratified the Kellogg-Briand Pact banning all war. Russia withdrew. Peace was made.

In 2022, the United States and Russia proposed to go to war. Governments around the world lined up behind the claim that one side or the other was innocent and purely defensive, because everybody knows that defensive wars are totally fine — it read more

Why Ukraine Needs the Kellogg-Briand Pact Read More »

VIDEO: Ukraine Crisis Webinar: Peace Activists and Experts Gather

Here’s the video:

Speakers include:

Katrina vanden Heuvel, editorial director of The Nation magazine, columnist for the Washington Post.

Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army colonel, retired diplomat, author, activist.

Vladimir Kozin, member of Russian Academy of Military Sciences, speaking from Moscow.

Norman Solomon, co-founder and national director of, author, activist.

Moderator: David Swanson, campaign coordinator of, executive director of World BEYOND War.

Everyone read more

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Talk World Radio: Julian Assange Warned Us What Was Coming


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio, we’re talking about the saga of Julian Assange with Richard Hillgrove who was hired by Assange in 2018 to lobby British MPs for his release, and worked for him until September 2020. You can find Richard Hillgrove at

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
read more

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Top 10 Reasons to March Against War in February 2003 But Not February 2022

1. In 2003 it was important to denounce the lying schemers pretending that Iraq had nukes. In 2022, U.S. officials stirring up war with Russia know that Russia has lots of nukes but don’t even care and aren’t even talking about it, so there’s just not much for us to do or worry about. After all this snow, a nuclear winter doesn’t sound so awful.

2. In 2003 we could pretend the Democratic Party might oppose a war, but in 2022 we’re stuck with pretending that the Republican read more

Top 10 Reasons to March Against War in February 2003 But Not February 2022 Read More »

Can We Learn Anything From Russian-Canadian Pacifists?

Image Source.

Tolstoy said the Doukhobors belonged to the 25th century. He was talking about a group of people who have traditions of refusing to take part in war, refusing to eat or harm animals or put animals to work, engaging in communal sharing of resources and communal approaches to work, gender equality, and letting deeds speak in place of words — not to mention using nudity as a form of nonviolent protest.

You can see how such people might have run into trouble in a Russian empire or the read more

Can We Learn Anything From Russian-Canadian Pacifists? Read More »

Talk World Radio: Ken Mayers on Nuclear Posture Review


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on, except when it doesn’t work and then on Zoom. Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio we’re discussing nuclear weapons and war with Ken Mayers from Veterans For Peace, which has — in anticipation of the Biden administration’s nuclear posture review — released its own nuclear posture review. See

About Ken Mayers: read more

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