Ukraine and the Anti-Communications System

Video here.

By David Swanson

Remarks on Massachusetts Peace Action Webinar

Much of the global so-called communications system suffers from similar faults; I’m going to focus on the United States. One can examine those faults through numerous topics; I’m going to focus on war and peace. But the worst fault, I think, is a general one that applies to all topics. It is that of endlessly suggesting to people that they are powerless. A few weeks back, the New York Times ran an article read more

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Ending the War in Ukraine, Not Life on Earth

By David Swanson

Remarks on RootsAction Livestream

We have so many knowledgable speakers on this call, and I am so incapable of cramming into 10 minutes all the basic facts about the war that corporate media consumers have never heard and never will, and we’ve been over them so many, many, many times on so many calls during the past 9 months that we ought to have given birth by now and in any case I just couldn’t do it yet again even if I had time, with all the videos and read more

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The Sacred Oil Leak in Pearl Harbor

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, November 30, 2022

Stephen Dedalus believed the cracked lookingglass of a servant made a good symbol of Ireland. If you had to name a symbol of the United States, what would it be? The Statue of Liberty? Men in underwear on crosses in front of McDonald’s? I think it would be this: the oil leaking from the battleship in Pearl Harbor. This ship, The Arizona, one of two still leaking oil in Pearl Harbor, is left read more

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AUDIO: Ukraine: Senseless Conflict

By the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, November 27, 2022

On this week of Thanksgiving, Ralph welcomes two distinguished anti-war activists and Nobel Peace Prize nominees, Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODE Pink to discuss her book “War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict” and David Swanson of World Beyond War to not only put the conflict in Ukraine in context but also to reveal the financial incentives that drive endless war.

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Kicking Ilhan Omar off a Committe Will Not Help

Incoming Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has threatened to kick Congresswoman Ilhan Omar off the House Foreign Affairs Committee, with the excuse that she’s “anti-Semitic” and “anti-American.” Of course, these charges are false, but they are dangerous, and sufficient reason in themselves to stand up for Ilhan Omar on this.

But there are other reasons to keep the Congresswoman on that committee (and they may secretly be reasons that McCarthy wants her off). read more

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The U.S. Has Put Six Worse Things Than the World Cup in Qatar

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, November 21, 2022

Here’s a video of John Oliver denouncing FIFA for putting the World Cup in Qatar, a place that uses slavery and abuses women and abuses LGBT people. It’s a video about how everyone else glosses over nasty truths. Oliver drags in Russia as a past World Cup host that abuses protesters, and even Saudi Arabia as a possible host in the distant read more

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