A New Book, A Trip, and a Plea

I’m about to publish a new book called The Monroe Doctrine at 200 and What to Replace it With. 

The book looks at the creation, evolution, and use of the Monroe Doctrine over the years since 1823, and proposes a radically different approach for the U.S. government to take with Latin America and the world. The book will be available soon on my website and from every store that sells books. And I’ll be available to speak about it at events online and realworld.

In fact, I’ll be read more

A New Book, A Trip, and a Plea Read More »

Five Things to Do for Peace in the Days Ahead

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, January 5, 2022

1. Join an online celebration of the peace advocacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on January 12, with

  • Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis of the Poor People’s Campaign
  • Pastor Michael McBride of Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
  • Judith LeBlanc of Native Organizers Alliance
  • Daniel Ellsberg
  • Khury Petersen-Smith of Institute for Policy Studies
  • David Swanson of World BEYOND War
  • Norman Solomon
  • Hanieh Jodat – Moderator

Register here.

2. Join in a week of actions wherever you are for peace in Ukraine, January 13-22. Learn more and find or create an event here.

3. Celebrate the anniversary of nuclear weapons being banned on January 22! Learn more and find or create an event here.

4. Make plans to be in Washington D.C. on February 19 for the Rage Against the read more

Five Things to Do for Peace in the Days Ahead Read More »

World BEYOND War and a Better Way Forward (Cooper UNion)

By ThinkTech Hawaii, January 4, 2023

Humanity’s Resolution for Peace on Earth. The host for this show is Joshua Cooper. The guest is David Swanson. In the New Year, it is time for humanity to make the ultimate new year’s resolution for peace on earth. World BEYOND War shares a message of advocating for abolition of the institution of war and offers a new way forward for people to unite for peace and justice.

World BEYOND War and a Better Way Forward (Cooper UNion) Read More »

ICBM: Incubating Catastrophe Beyond Measure

There’s a simple idea, advanced most effectively by Daniel Ellsberg. Whether you love nuclear weapons, believe they’re unfortunately necessary, or think they’re the stupidest thing ever to spend a cent — much less trillions of dollars — on, you ought never to imagine a need for more than the nukes on submarines and airplanes. Having them on land as well, whether you call it read more

ICBM: Incubating Catastrophe Beyond Measure Read More »

German Peace Activist Under Criminal Investigation for Speaking Against War

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, December 14, 2022

Berlin antiwar activist Heinrich Buecker is facing a fine or up to three years in prison for making a public speech against Germany’s support for the war in Ukraine.

Here is a video on Youtube of the speech in German. A transcript translated to English and provided by Buecker is below.

Buecker has posted about this on his blog read more

German Peace Activist Under Criminal Investigation for Speaking Against War Read More »