Apologies to Norway

To my friends and cousins in Norway:  Re this story

Your former prime minister was abused in the way that thousands of people are by my government — mine because my great grandparents abandoned your relatively civilized land for this one.

I am deeply sorry and apologize on behalf of the United States. Please forgive it. It knows not what it does.  

This happened at an airport named for a criminal. It happens all the time, all over the United States, but people are starting to resist it. There are big protests that you’ll have to send your own reporters to see. The U.S. media won’t inform you.

If you’d like to see dangerous trends reversed in the United States, you can help. Stop buying U.S. weapons. Stop collaborating with NATO. Start giving the Nobel Peace Prize to

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No, Trump Did Not Make a Mistake in Yemen

I gather these are the features people have concerns about in the recent U.S. raid in Yemen.

1. It was fought on the ground rather than from the air.

2. An American died.

3. The American was a Navy SEAL Team 6 member, more valuable than other Americans.

4. Trump approved it instead of Obama.

5. Trump didn’t have “proper” “intelligence.”

6. Trump had the wrong accomplices in the room.

7. Trump wasn’t in the room.

8. The U.S. hasn’t declared war against Yemen.

9. read more

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The Next Step in Caring

Airport resistance is the biggest step forward by the U.S. public in years.

Why do I say that? Because this is unfunded, largely unpartisan activism that is largely selfless, largely focused on helping unknown strangers, driven by compassion and love, not political ideology, greed, or vengeance, and in line with activism around the globe. It’s also targeted at the location of the harm, directly resisting the injustice, and achieving immediate partial successes, including very meaningful successes read more

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War and Peace in Trump Time: A World Beyond Arlington

Remarks in Arlington, Va., January 29, 2017

Happy Year of the Rooster!

Thank you for inviting me. Thank you to Archer Heinzen for setting this up. Of course I wouldn’t have come had I known UVA’s basketball team would be playing Villanova at 1 o’clock. I’m kidding, but I’ll catch it on the radio or watch the replay without the commercials. And when I do I can guarantee only this: the announcer will thank U.S. troops for watching from 175 countries, and nobody will wonder read more

War and Peace in Trump Time: A World Beyond Arlington Read More »

Does Rachel Maddow Want Russia Bombed?

Here’s why I ask. Maddow devotes many minutes on MSNBC stirring up hatred of Russia in order to establish that there is a vague possibility that President Donald Trump might be corrupted by a foreign government.

But that’s already established beyond any doubt. China’s state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China is the largest tenant in Trump Tower. It is also a major lender to Trump. Its rent payments and its loans put Trump in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Every read more

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David Swanson: Imagine Impeachment!

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David Swanson

My guest today is blogger, peace activist activist, author, David Swanson.

Joan Brunwasser: Welcome back to OpEdNews, David. We last spoke a few weeks before the election. I just read your new piece, Why Impeach Donald Trump? When you posted this, the guy had been in office two days. He clearly isn’t widely liked but aren’t you jumping the gun a bit?

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Be Glad the White House Comment Line Is Closed

The White House comment phone line directs people to kindly go away and think about what losers they are. Oops, sorry, I mean it directs people not to leave any comments. Instead it says to use a White House web form or to send a message through a White House Facebook account (which has no messaging capability). I’m not inclined to use the web form, because I doubt anyone reads it and I’d rather not be added to a White House email list.

If I’m going to publish a comment to the read more

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