Do not go gentle to a deadly scene,
Wise eyes should question propaganda’s sway;
Rage, rage against the awful war machine
Though ash-filled skies as yet remain unseen
Those undistracted raise their heads and say
Do not go gentle to a deadly scene
The panem et circenses scam obscene
A final curtain’s dropping on this play
Rage, rage against the awful war machine
It hurts to turn one’s eyes from lies serene
To question, fathom, challenge, and inveigh
Do not go gentle to a deadly scene
The path’s not the other side but in between
A compromise is wisdom’s only way
Rage, rage against the awful war machine
And you, my brother, of another flag
Join with us without borders or delay
Do not go gentle to a deadly scene
Rage, rage against the awful war machine
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts in this most important endeavor. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am with Veteran’s For Peace, as well as other prominent antiwar organizations, for allowing petty infighting to keep them from participating. I’m having a crisis of conscience about continuing my membership with them right now. Vietnam Veterans Against the War were vocal and prominently displayed, grasping every opportunity to speak out whenever and wherever. What’s the point of of an antiwar group if they are invisible to all but their members? Especially now, given the beatification of all things military?