And These Badlands Start Treating Us Good

October 2, 2004
A tight spotlight focused on Bruce Springsteen after he’d entered the stage in Philadelphia on Friday night and bent over his guitar without a word. And without a word he gave new meaning to the Star Spangled Banner. And on came the E-Street Band, and the stage lit up, and they gave new meaning to “Born in the USA.” They picked the tempo and the volume up a notch as they jumped into “Badlands” and gave a new meaning to every lyric. The sold-out read more

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Edwards to Take on Cheney and Ifill

October 3, 2004
As Senator John Edwards trains for Tuesday’s debate, the best advice anyone could give him would be to bring his own questions. He should bring a list of topics he intends to talk about and a list of questions he intends to put to Dick Cheney, because if anything can be predicted safely it is that Gwen Ifill will slant her script in favor of the fat man.

Yesterday evening on PBS Ifill could be seen defending Bush’s debate performance. Which way she leans is never hard read more

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American Indians Redefine Museums

Oct. 3, 2004
Inside the new National Museum of the American Indian, nextdoor to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., is an exhibit about an exhibit in which an American Indian lay on a display case surprising visitors by being alive and observing them. Visitors to the new NMAI may be surprised to find an entire museum alive. There is very little of the past here, much of current culture.

The American Indian Movement (AIM) has complained, in fact, that this museum does not tell the story of a read more

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Media Blackout of Labor Opposition to Iraq War Continues

By David Swanson, ILCA Media Coordinator
Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories

You wouldn’t know it from reading, watching, or listening to the “mainstream” media, but many of the largest labor organizations in the United States have passed resolutions demanding that U.S. troops be brought home from Iraq and the war be ended. On July 19, the ILCA published an article on the media’s failure to cover this turn of events.

Back then the story was already read more

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Early Childhood Development Has Higher Returns Than Stock Market

October 19, 2004

The Economic Policy Institute today released a report finding that investment in early childhood development can bring annual rates of return of 12 percent to the non-participating tax payers. The real rate of return that prevailed on the stock market between 1871 and 1998 was 6.3 percent. Are those eager to invest our Social Security dollars in a money-making venture paying attention?

How does investing in expensive educational, health, and nutritional programs for poor three- read more

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Bernie was a funny bunny, but Bernie didn’t think so. He took himself very seriously.

Bernie lived in a town at the bottom of a big rocky mountain, and most of the other bunnies liked Bernie a lot, even if they did laugh at him once in a while. And the birds liked Bernie too, even though he had once tried to keep them out of the bunnies’ garden.

The garden was the center of the bunny town, and Bernie’s bunny hole wasn’t far from it. Mayor Michael’s hole was right next read more

Bernie Read More »

Progressives for Kerry: It's not Just About Beating Bush

Oct. 27, 2004

Kerry’s appeal to progressives is generally thought of as no more or less than the appeal a pumpkin would have if it could run: neither Kerry nor the pumpkin is Bush. I’d like to suggest another reason for progressives to support Kerry, one that does not require holding our noses.

Of course, parts of Kerry’s record are admirably progressive, and – unlike Bush – Kerry has a record of responding to public pressure (itself admirable in a democracy and an read more

Progressives for Kerry: It's not Just About Beating Bush Read More »

Media Marginalizes Majority Position on Health Care

By David Swanson, ILCA Media Coordinator
Part of the Media Blackout series on underreported labor stories

Single-payer health care is, according to numerous surveys, supported by a majority of Americans.i Few public policies are inspiring more activism and advocacy in the United States right now than single-payer health care at the national and state levels.ii Organizations are holding marches across major city bridges. Think tanks and foundations and labor unions are generating studies. Doctors, read more

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Media's Problem Is Not Too Much "Opinion"

Oct. 29, 2004
It’s a well known fact that the media sucks. Or is that merely a widely held opinion? I’d like to argue that it is a distinction that makes no difference, that opinion-free facts are the mythical creation of insecure epistemologists, that all the recent laments over the media’s becoming too opinionated are understandable but confused, that the corporate media has a powerful interest in the myth of non-opinion because it allows the expression of corporate read more

Media's Problem Is Not Too Much "Opinion" Read More »

Dear World, We're Hopeless

Nov. 3, 2004
Dear World,
Please be on the lookout for more bombs, debts, and global warming. It’s what we in the United States like to call “letting the healing begin.”

I know, I know, you thought there might be hope for us. You thought we might be ready to cross the bridge to the 18th century and stop letting religious bigotry run our lives. Even you British supposed that we might care about having killed 100,000 Muslims. Sorry to disillusion you on that one. We found it more read more

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