Talk World Radio: Alfred McCoy on Empire and the Supposed Rule-Based Order that He Claims China Threatens

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

Alfred W. McCoy is the author of a tremendous new book called To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change. He also holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After earning his Ph.D. in Southeast Asian history at Yale in 1977, his writing has focused on Philippine political history, the history of modern empires, read more

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Talk World Radio: Chris Gelardi on Guam Resisting Empire

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube. We’re using only the guest video and not the host this week, because Riverside is getting them out of synch when combining.

This week on Talk World Radio, the U.S. colony of Guam. Our guest, Chris Gelardi is a New York City-based journalist. His work appears in The Nation, The Intercept, and The Appeal, among other publications. His recent article read more

Talk World Radio: Chris Gelardi on Guam Resisting Empire Read More »

What Would Have Worked Better Than Building Back Anything

The most well-known problem with lesser-evil, two-party, winner-take-all elections, at least in a system of legalized bribery and corporate-state media, is the absence of virtually any really good candidates. Naturally this results in (or is at least one major cause of) the tendency of many to not vote at all — with the United States claiming a lower voter turnout than many other countries it loves to look down on.

But the most serious problem is the tendency of those voters who do vote to read more

What Would Have Worked Better Than Building Back Anything Read More »

Talk World Radio: Is Wall Street Taking Over Ownership of Nature?

Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on (except when it doesn’t work, and then Zoom is used). Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.

This week on Talk World Radio, Is Wall Street Taking Over Ownership of Nature? Our guest Randall Wray is a professor of economics at Bard College. His current research focuses on providing a critique of orthodox monetary theory and policy, and the development of an alternative approach. He also publishes extensively read more

Talk World Radio: Is Wall Street Taking Over Ownership of Nature? Read More »

Conscientious Objection: A Right and a Duty

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, November 16, 2021

I want to recommend a new film and a new book. The film is called The Boys Who Said NO! There’s more courage and moral integrity in this documentary than in any fictional blockbuster. With the wars now underway and threatened being as unjust as those 50 years ago (and with women now being added to U.S. draft registration) we need more saying No! We also need to recognize, as read more

Conscientious Objection: A Right and a Duty Read More »

The Persistence of Pinkerism

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, November 12, 2021

I’m old enough to remember when you couldn’t do a speaking event related to war and peace without being asked numerous reasonable and not so reasonable questions about 9/11 (each accompanied by a stack of DVDs and flyers presented to you as a revelation from on high). There was a long period when you could count on the inevitable question about “peak oil.” I’ve been around enough to know that you can’t talk to peace-oriented people read more

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Feel Like NPR Is Spewing Corrupt Propaganda? Here’s Why.

NPR posted a story called “Feel like you don’t fit in either political party? Here’s why.” Of course I knew why. Neither party supports anything remotely close to my views on government budgets, climate, environment, taxation, militarism, healthcare, retirement, housing, education, transportation, or any other significant policy area.

But NPR’s story was about a Pew poll that asked 16 questions read more

Feel Like NPR Is Spewing Corrupt Propaganda? Here’s Why. Read More »

COPOUT 26 Left Out the Topics and People It Needed

By David Swanson, Labour Hub, November 9, 2021

I’m not sure what we should have expected from a 26th UN climate meeting after 25 previous meetings had generated the opposite of the purportedly intended result. What we got was a festival of greenwashing that included in the meetings more fossil fuel lobbyists than the delegates from any one actual government, read more

COPOUT 26 Left Out the Topics and People It Needed Read More »

AUDIO: Mel Figueroa, Marjorie Cohn, David Swanson

By Chris Nelson, People Powered Radio KZFR, November 9, 2021

First segment: Chico Traditional Ecological Stewardship Program.

Second segment:,

Third segment:, for the petition to demand militaries be included in the climate agreement.

Leave It in the Ground by The Bushwackers on The read more

AUDIO: Mel Figueroa, Marjorie Cohn, David Swanson Read More »