Costa Rica Is Not Real

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 25, 2022

“Birds Are Not Real” — the theory that all birds are drones — is a prank created for a laugh, supposedly with a few mentally disturbed people actually believing it. “Costa Rica Is Not Real” has never been spoken at all, and yet is treated very seriously by many. I mean, everyone will admit that Costa Rica is sitting there on the map, and in reality, between Nicaragua and Panama, the Pacific and the Caribbean. Yet, a nation’s need read more

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The Problems With Prosecuting Putin

The worst problem is a phony one. That is to say, numerous parties are using the cause of prosecuting Vladimir Putin for “war crimes” as yet another excuse to avoid ending the war — the need for “justice” for war victims as grounds for creating more war victims. This is from The New Republic:

“Inna Sovsun, a Ukrainian parliamentarian from the pro-European Golos Party, believes that the need for justice trumps negotiations to end the war. ‘My understanding read more

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Talk World Radio: Arthur Kanegis on Being a World Citizen


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on — except when it can’t be and then it’s Zoom. Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio we’re talking about world citizenship. Our guest, Arthur Kanegis, is President of Future WAVE, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to shifting our culture of violence to a culture of peace. He is the Director/Producer of “The World Is My Country” read more

Talk World Radio: Arthur Kanegis on Being a World Citizen Read More »

Famous Haikus Updated

An old silent pond

A frog jumps into the pond—

Thud! Dried up last year.

After killing

a spider, how noble I feel

in the TV glow!

I write, erase, rewrite

Erase again, and then

Twitter deletes me

Useless, useless,

the heavy rain

On Arkansas coast

In the moonlight,

The color and scent of the wisteria

Seems so Norwegian

Plum flower temple:

Voices rise

From fallout shelters

Everything I touch

with tenderness, alas,

Has comments beneath

The wren

Earns his living

read more

Famous Haikus Updated Read More »

Talk World Radio: Ned Dobos on Reasons Not to Keep a Standing Military


Talk World Radio is recorded as audio and video on — except when it can’t be and then it’s Zoom. Here is this week’s video and all the videos on Youtube.


This week on Talk World Radio, we’re talking about whether it’s good or bad for a country to have a permanent military. Our guest, Ned Dobos is Senior Lecturer in Ethics at the University of New South Wales in Canberra, Australia. He is the author of Ethics, Security, and the War read more

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Learning the Wrong Lessons from Ukraine

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 11, 2022

Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons and was attacked. Therefore every country should have nuclear weapons.

NATO didn’t add Ukraine, which was attacked. Therefore every country or at least lots of them should be added to NATO.

Russia has a bad government. Therefore it should be overthrown.

These lessons are popular, logical — even unquestionable truth in many minds — and catastrophically and demonstrably wrong.

The world has had incredibly good read more

Learning the Wrong Lessons from Ukraine Read More »

VIDEO: Peace Summit 2022: Breakout – Challenging the Ideology Behind Wealth & Militarism with David Swanson

By Chicago Area Peace Action, April 10, 2022

David Swanson of World BEYOND War reveals the workings of the military- industrial complex, how it distorts the federal budget and U.S. foreign policy towards spending on war and preparations for war, and away from investments in addressing urgent problems like pandemics, climate change, and racial and economic injustice. The presentation explains the tools of influence used by the weapons industry, read more

VIDEO: Peace Summit 2022: Breakout – Challenging the Ideology Behind Wealth & Militarism with David Swanson Read More »

The “Keep It Going” Bethesda Marathon to Be Sponsored by Lockheed-Martin

By Primo Davril, Washington Post apoc, April 1, 2022

BETHESDA, MD — The annual marathon heretofore most noted for generating road rage in and about Bethesda, Maryland, has found a new name, theme, and heavily-funded sponsor.

Beginning this year it’s the Keep It Going Marathon. With fears looming of a negotiated settlement in Ukraine, participants are required to wear both blue and yellow “clearly visible and within a reasonable proximity to the correct shades of color.”

Explained Emily d’Inferno, read more

The “Keep It Going” Bethesda Marathon to Be Sponsored by Lockheed-Martin Read More »

Don’t Let a Mountain in Montenegro Be Lost to a War in Ukraine

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, March 31, 2022

Across the Adriatic from Bari in Southern Italy sits the tiny, largely rural and mountainous, and exquisitely beautiful nation of Montenegro. At its center is a huge mountainous plateau called Sinjajevina — one of the most wonderfully non-“developed” places in Europe.

By undeveloped we should not understand uninhabited. Sheep, cattle, dogs, and pastoral people have lived on Sinjajevina for centuries, apparently in relative harmony with — read more

Don’t Let a Mountain in Montenegro Be Lost to a War in Ukraine Read More »