Make Your Town a Nuclear-Free Zone

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 1, 2023

Much of the southern half of the world is a nuclear-free zone. But what if you live in the northern half and under a national government that adores militarism and couldn’t possibly care less what you think?

Well, you can make your town or county or city a nuclear-free zone.

Tom Charles of Veterans For Peace, Chapter #35, in Spokane, Washington reports:

“On Nov. 7, 2022, our City Council passed an Ordinance that made our city nuclear-free read more

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Ukraine Diary — Skip It; Write Your Own

Orbis Books has published a short book called Ukraine Diary by Henri J.M. Nouwen with an introduction by Borys Gudziak, a preface by Robert Ellsberg, and an afterword by Laurent Nouwen. The diary itself was written in the 1990s and deemed unworthy of publication. Now Ukraine is a hot news story. The preface, introduction, and afterword were written just recently and all in perfect harmony with the Western propaganda in which all that is wrong with the world emanates from Russia. The book read more

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Biased Argument Against Swiss Neutrality

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 30, 2023

Tell me one good thing about Switzerland. Well, its flag is a plus.

No, the best thing about Switzerland is neutrality, or at least the idea of it.

The Washington Post (of course it’s the Washington Post) recently published an argument against the neutrality of Switzerland.

That neutrality has been rather blatantly phony since the mid-1990s. Switzerland is already on the map of NATO partners and U.S. weapons customers. Here’s how NATO explains read more

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An Active, Growing, and Succeeding Movement to Abolish the Monroe Doctrine

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 29, 2023

Imagine a world where a broad coalition of people and groups unites against militarism and oligarchy, and where there are as many successes as failures to discuss.

Or just look at Latin America.

In a recent book, and in numerous articles, I’ve argued for burying the Monroe Doctrine after 200 years, and for supporting those at work doing so.

Right now, in Washington DC, CODEPINK has organized a gathering read more

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Having Enemies Is a Choice

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 23, 2023

What’s something that nobody can give you unless you want it?

An enemy.

This ought to be obviously true in both the personal sense and the international sense.

In your personal life, you acquire enemies by seeking them out and choosing to have them. And if, through no fault of your own, someone is cruel to you, the option remains of not behaving cruelly in return. The option remains of not even thinking anything cruelly in return. That option might read more

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Vietnam to Ukraine: Lessons for the US Peace Movement–Remembering Kent State and Jackson State!

MAY 4th Webinar 

Vietnam to Ukraine: Lessons for the US Peace Movement 

Remembering Kent State and Jackson State! 


Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report

David Swanson, World BEYOND War

And Haig Hovaness, GPAX’s Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg. 


Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) 

Peoples Network for Planet, Justice & Peace 

Green Party of Ohio 

MAY 4th Webinar is at 8 pm ET

Register in advance:

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