How Many People Has the U.S. Government Killed?

Of course I can only touch on one aspect of recent history here.

I’m looking at the new report from Costs of War.

Five years ago, I think Nicolas Davies credibly and conservatively estimated 6 million people directly killed in U.S. wars since 2001 in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia.

What Costs of War has now done is to go with the highly dubious but corporate-respectable estimate of 900,000 directly killed in all of those wars, but leaving out Libya and Somalia. read more

How Many People Has the U.S. Government Killed? Read More »

Ending War on Earth in Illinois (Or Any Other Locality)

Al Mytty in Illinois during webinar for which these remarks were prepared.

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 12, 2023

We very much need World BEYOND War educational and activist events and campaigns in Illinois (and every other location). We also need the people of Illinois (and every other location on Earth) as part of the global movement to end war.

I say that having been in Chicago many times and at least once to Carbondale. Interstate 64 which comes by my house also cuts through Illinois, read more

Ending War on Earth in Illinois (Or Any Other Locality) Read More »

U.S. Military Insists on Destroying the Mountain Pastures of People in Montenegro Who Did Nothing to It

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 11, 2023

“Putting aside all the fancy words and academic doubletalk, the basic reason for having a military is to do two jobs — to kill people and to destroy.” — Thomas S. Power

The photo above was taken yesterday. The flowers are in bloom in the mountain pastures of Sinjajevina. And the U.S. military is on its way to trample them and practice destroying things. What did these beautiful sheep-herding families in this European mountain paradise do to read more

U.S. Military Insists on Destroying the Mountain Pastures of People in Montenegro Who Did Nothing to It Read More »

At Least 32% of U.S. Mass Shooters Were Trained to Shoot by the U.S. Military

It’s been two years since I wrote on this topic. At that time, at least 36% of U.S. mass shooters had been trained by the U.S. military. Since then, a grand total of nobody at all has written on the topic.

I’m picking it up again, because people have started asking about it, prompted by a former Marine using apparently trained skills to murder a subway rider in New York, and shooters in Atlanta and Texas actually being identified as veterans in news reports — an extreme rarity.

However, read more

At Least 32% of U.S. Mass Shooters Were Trained to Shoot by the U.S. Military Read More »

Join Me in New York with the Golden Rule

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 5, 2023

The Golden Rule is a beautiful boat. I’ve been on it in San Diego. It’s also an important boat. It set sail in 1958 to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, and inspired many peace makers and peace ships that followed. The restored Golden Rule is voyaging once more, sailed by Veterans For Peace, to show that a nuclear peace is possible, and that bravery and tenacity can overcome militarism.

I’m planning to greet the Golden Rule and read more

Join Me in New York with the Golden Rule Read More »

War and Murder Since Vietnam

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 5, 2023

Remarks from May 4th webinar with Green Party Peace Action Committee; Peoples Network for Planet, Justice & Peace; Green Party of Ohio 

I’m going to be brief and generalize and give some tentative conclusions in order to fit into 10 minutes what I think happened in Vietnam and what I think are some of the key lessons for peacemaking now from peacemaking at the time of what the Vietnamese call the American War.

I think that the U.S. public has read more

War and Murder Since Vietnam Read More »