A Quiz to See if U.S. Schools Taught You State Propaganda

U.S. schools provide a great deal of useful information, but also leave out a great deal. Please see whether you can answer the following questions before scrolling down and clicking a link at the bottom for the answers. How many can your kids answer? Can your kids’ teachers answer them? Can your parents answer them? Can your uncle who tells you whom to vote for and what to think answer them?

These questions are not intended to comprise an ideal comprehensive course in U.S. read more

A Quiz to See if U.S. Schools Taught You State Propaganda Read More »

Quiz Answers

1. Should German schools teach how many people Germany killed in World War II?
Yes, of course, they should. This is the one question that pretty much everyone should get right.

2. How many was it?
World War II, including war-related diseases and famines, killed some 80 million people. Excluding some 30 million killed in Asia brings the total down to 50 million. Excluding some 6 million Germans and Austrians and a half million Italians as having been killed by the Allies (though of read more

Quiz Answers Read More »

Ending War: An Online Course

I’m very excited to announce that I will be teaching an online course beginning January 1, 2016, and that you can sign up for it now at the World Institute for Social Change.

The course is called “A World Beyond War” and will examine the possibility, desirability, and feasibility of abolishing the institution of war, examining arguments for the desirability and necessity of war, considering possible costs and benefits of war, and weighing alternative strategies for advancing the read more

Ending War: An Online Course Read More »

I'm Dreaming of a Christmas Below 70

The sun is shining, the grass is green

It feels like a summer day

It’s not supposed to be this way

In Charlottesville VA

‘Cause it’s December the 24th

At latitude 38 North…

I’m dreaming of a Christmas below 70

Just like the ones I used to know

Where the treetops glisten and children listen

To wisdom instead of Morning Joe

I’m dreaming of a year with seasons

Instead of growing heat and blight

If climate deniers see the light

And our society is set right

I'm Dreaming of a Christmas Below 70 Read More »

UVA Hires Dick Cheney / Pentagon Staffer Whose Failures Include Iraq and Mitt Romney

Eric Edelman is a former undersecretary at the Pentagon. He promotes higher military spending, an attack on Iran, and deployment of nuclear weapons to nations on Russia’s border.

He pushed for war on Iraq and accused anyone opposed of “aiding enemies,” including denouncing any sort of end date as “aiding enemies” not long before Bush and Maliki set an end date.

He pushed Obama for esclation in Afghanistan.

He’s on the board of the pro-war “U.S. Institute read more

UVA Hires Dick Cheney / Pentagon Staffer Whose Failures Include Iraq and Mitt Romney Read More »

Trump Didn't Vote to Kill 1 Million Muslims in Iraq, Hillary Did

Thanks to Glenn Greenwald for pointing out that the U.S. media is acting as though Donald Trump just invented bigotry this week (one of those ugly details I’m happy to miss by never watching television). But not only is explicit bigotry toward Muslims not new, implicit bigotry toward Muslims has been the foundation of the largest public project in the United States for the past quarter century.

The driving forces behind war planning in Washington are power, domination, profit, politics, and read more

Trump Didn't Vote to Kill 1 Million Muslims in Iraq, Hillary Did Read More »

In Fantasyland Your Neighbors Live in, More War Is a Smart Idea

People in the United States want tighter gun laws within the United States. They probably can’t be, and certainly aren’t being, polled on the U.S. role as top weapons supplier to the world. You can’t poll people on something they’ve never heard of.

People in the United States want more done to protect the environment. They have no clue that their government is politely destroying all hope for future human life at a nice conference read more

In Fantasyland Your Neighbors Live in, More War Is a Smart Idea Read More »