The World Needs an Armistice Day

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, November 11, 2023

Remarks on November 11, 2023, at Veterans For Peace event in Iowa City, Iowa

Ukraine needs an armistice.

Palestine needs an armistice.

Nagorno-Karabakh needs an armistice.

Syria, Sudan, Nigeria, and so many countries need an armistice.

The U.S. public and its mass shooters need an armistice.

And by armistice I do not mean a pause to re-load. I mean an end to the idiotic madness of mass-murder that risks nuclear apocalypse, an end in order to read more

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The Monroe Doctrine and the Roots of U.S. Hegemony

By David Swanson, November 6, 2023

Remarks at Cambridge, Mass., November 6, 2023

If we think of the U.S. arming of genocidal colonial violence in Israel as an anachronistic throwback, we’re not wrong, but there’s something we’re missing. If we want to understand why a bill to fund four wars at once is likely to find less, rather than more, opposition in the U.S. Congress, there’s something we should understand about the past, about how we got here.

If we want to know how war read more

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WORT 89.9FM — A Conversation with David Swanson on Peace

By WORT Community Radio in Madison, Wisconsin, November 3, 2023

During this time of global unrest, violence, and clashing opinions, we spend an hour with peace activist David Swanson. He joins Esty Dinur to discuss a path to peace in Palestine-Israel and Ukraine, the impact of the military–industrial complex, and why the suggestion of peace seems to outrage many.

They also speak about Esty’s recent read more

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Washington Post Reports on Gun Suicides and Veterans, Still Refuses to Mention Veterans and Mass Shootings

Just after another mass shooting by another veteran, the Washington Post reports:

“A tiny fraction, only about 5% of people attempting suicide, use a gun. But guns are deadly almost every time, and so end up accounting for over half of suicide deaths. For veterans, that jumps to 75%. Experts say that traumatic experiences at war play a role in veterans having a suicide rate 1.5 times higher than others. Yet even those with no combat history die by suicide at a much higher rate. What they read more

Washington Post Reports on Gun Suicides and Veterans, Still Refuses to Mention Veterans and Mass Shootings Read More »

ABC News Report Claims No Past Mass Shooters Have Been Veterans; At Least 31% Have Been

A report from ABC 3 WEAR, reports:

“Chris Lambert is a decorated Vietnam veteran whose battled PTSD for more than 40 years. Lambert’s a three-time Purple Heart recipient, all before his 20th birthday. He says after hearing reports that the suspected gunman in the Maine shooting was treated and released from a facility only weeks later, it’s clear that more long-term care for veterans is needed. However, he feels the shooting suspect’s read more

ABC News Report Claims No Past Mass Shooters Have Been Veterans; At Least 31% Have Been Read More »

I’ll Be Talking in Boston Soon

The Monroe Doctrine, which will be 200 years old on December 2, 2023, is a declaration of U.S. hegemony in the Americas.  It remains in place, both explicitly and dressed up in novel language. Additional doctrines have been built on its foundations.

In this talk, David Swanson will desribe the creation, evolution, and use of the Monroe Doctrine over the years since 1823, and propose a radically different approach for the U.S. government to take with Latin America and the world.   The current read more

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