I’ll be speaking about peace at this weekend retreat in rural Virginia — Feel free to sign up and come

Beyond Nationalism: The History & Future of the Peace Movement

April 14-15, 2018
Retreat in Independence, Virginia

This retreat will guide you through the fascinating history of the Peace Movement, from World War I to the present. We also will learn about the Earth Federation Movement – a logical solution to the problems of perpetual war and global warming.

Participants will learn how they can contribute to these important peacebuilding efforts from two amazing activists who are leading the charge to abolish war and federate the Earth. Participants are guaranteed read more

I’ll be speaking about peace at this weekend retreat in rural Virginia — Feel free to sign up and come Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Jeffrey Kaye on U.S. Bioweapons Used in North Korea and China

Jeffrey Kaye is a retired psychologist and the author of Cover-up at Guantanamo: The NCIS Investigation into the “Suicides” of Mohammed Al Hanashi and Abdul Rahman Al Amri. He has written for Alternet, The Guardian, Shadowproof, and Al Jazeera America. He has just published an article titled: REVEALED: The long-suppressed official report on US biowarfare in North Korea.

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

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Videos of Take-A-Knee Discussion of Racism and Militarism

On March 1, 2018, I was very privileged to take part in a discussion of issues of racism, freedom of speech, patriotism, and war at Saint Mary’s Hall, a private high school in San Antonio “Military City USA” Texas.

I was one of five speakers who had been invited to speak about issues we had raised related to take-a-knee protests. The videos are all here, including video of all the read more

Videos of Take-A-Knee Discussion of Racism and Militarism Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Sarah Williams Goldhagen on How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives

Sarah Williams Goldhagen is a contributing editor at Architectural Record and served as the Architecture Critic of The New Republic from 2005-2013. Her articles have also appeared in The New York Times, The American Prospect, and Art In America, and she has contributed scholarly essays to many publications, including Assemblage, The Harvard Design Magazine, and The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. Goldhagen’s new book read more

Talk Nation Radio: Sarah Williams Goldhagen on How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives Read More »

Take a Knee and a Stand

Remarks at Saint Mary’s Hall, San Antonio, Texas, March 1, 2018
Accompanying Powerpoint.

Thank you for inviting me. What I contended in the article that got me invited here was that one of the biggest taboos in the United States, one of the behaviors treated most as a heresy, as a violation of national religion, is disrespect for the U.S. flag, the national anthem, and the patriotic militarist exceptionalism that accompany those icons.

We’ve just seen a school shooting in Florida by read more

Take a Knee and a Stand Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: David Sheen on Israel Deporting African Refugees

David Sheen is an independent journalist and filmmaker born in Canada, now reporting from Israel/Palestine. His work focuses primarily on racial tensions and religious extremism. In 2017, Sheen was named a Front Line Defenders Human Rights Defender, the only person in Israel to receive that honor in a decade. Learn more: http://www.davidsheen.com

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

Download from LetsTryDemocracy or Archive.

Pacifica stations read more

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Sociopathy Compounded by Stupidity Shows the Way Forward!

The Charlottesville Daily Progress has published a version of an editorial by the Richmond Times Dispatch that points the way to peace and prosperity! It begins:

“When it comes to federal defense spending, Virginia ranks No. 1. Defense dollars account for one-third of the state’s economy. That’s why the budget sequestration cuts of 2013 affected Virginia more deeply than most states. And it’s also why the budget deal the president signed is such good news.”

Eleven months ago, the read more

Sociopathy Compounded by Stupidity Shows the Way Forward! Read More »

Can You Give Two Days to Stop the Slaughter?

The power of mass demonstrations to mobilize activism and move those in positions of power is minimized, first and foremost, by those opposed to popular power. Do not listen to them. Make them listen to us!

Can you give two days to stop the slaughter of innocents and the shameless profiteering from their blood? If you can give more, so much the better. But by giving two days, you will guarantee that others will give more. You will be part of building the necessary momentum, the key ingredient in read more

Can You Give Two Days to Stop the Slaughter? Read More »

I’d Elect the People on My Facebook Page Over Any Weapons-Funded Hack

I asked my Facebook page which high school teacher they’d least like to have had a gun in their desk. Go read their answers.

I’d elect those people over any recent president or any current member of Congress.

These bursts of public discussion with dashes of sanity thrown in that follow each particularly media-covered mass-shooting are always encouraging. And it’s especially encouraging to have young people being allowed to have a say.

But let’s be clear about the limitations read more

I’d Elect the People on My Facebook Page Over Any Weapons-Funded Hack Read More »