Why This Election Is Different

Elections, I think most of us can agree, usually bring out the idiocy, superficiality, and illogic in everyone who can muster any. Imagine supporting, as many did, Sanders and then Trump because they were both “outsiders.” On Tuesday, I heard somebody on CNN announce that Sanders and Klobuchar were both “change candidates” (because you’d have to change every bit of the platform of one of them to match that of the other?). Tokenism no longer embarrasses voters or even read more

Why This Election Is Different Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Jefferson Morley on Israel, Iran, and the United States

Jefferson Morley is a Washington author and investigative reporter. Over the last 35 years he has served as Washington correspondent for The Nation and Salon and as editor and reporter at the Washington Post and Washingtonpost.com for 15 years. He is the author of three books of non-fiction history: The Ghost, a biography of legendary CIA spymaster James Jesus Angleton; Snow-Storm in August, the untold tale of a white riot that swept read more

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I’ll Be Speaking in Florence, Italy on April 25, 2020

This has gone virtual and moved online. You can take part without going to Florence, Italy. Details here.

I’ll be speaking in Florence as part of a big peace conference.

9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Caro Amico, cara Amica,

Dal 1945 ad oggi la guerra non è mai terminata. Al Secondo conflitto mondiale segue la Guerra fredda, quindi una serie ininterrotta di guerre e il ritorno a una situazione analoga a quella della Guerra fredda che accresce il rischio di un catastrofico read more

I’ll Be Speaking in Florence, Italy on April 25, 2020 Read More »

Pinkerism and Militarism Walk into a Room

Charles Kenny’s book, Close the Pentagon, has an endorsement from Steven Pinker despite wanting to close something that Pinker rarely acknowledges exists.

This is a book to answer the question: What if someone who believed that war was only committed by poor, dark, distant people, and had therefore almost vanished from the earth, were to encounter the U.S. military and the U.S. military budget?

The answer is basically a proposal to move the money from militarism to human and environmental read more

Pinkerism and Militarism Walk into a Room Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Annette Brownlie: Australia Better Without U.S. Troops

Annette Brownlie is a mother and a life-long peace organiser and activist, arising out of the experiences of her father in WW2 and her own experiences as a teenager opposing the Vietnam war. Annette has had leadership roles in anti-nuclear, environmental, and peace organisations in Brisbane. She is a recipient of the Womens International League for Peace and Freedom and the United Nations Association of Australia Community Peace Award. When the announcement was made in 2012 to host U.S. Marines read more

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I’ll Be Speaking in Dallas on April 7

This event has moved online and been opened up to anyone anywhere.

Learn more and RSVP.

Flyer: PDF.

WHAT: David Swanson to speak on ending war

WHEN: 7 p.m. April 7, 2020

WHERE: Peace Chapel at Cathedral of Hope, 5910 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, TX 75235

SPONSORED BY: Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Pax Christi Dallas, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace.

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of WorldBeyondWar.org and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. read more

I’ll Be Speaking in Dallas on April 7 Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Margaret Kimberley on the 45 Worst Presidents Ever

Margaret Kimberley has been Editor and Senior Columnist for Black Agenda Report since its inception in 2006. Her first book, Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents, will be published by Steerforth Press on February 4, 2020. She is a contributor to the OR Books anthology, In Defense of Julian Assange. She has also produced original work for Consortium News, Counterpunch, the Dallas Morning News, and the American Herald Tribune. Ms. Kimberley read more

Talk Nation Radio: Margaret Kimberley on the 45 Worst Presidents Ever Read More »

Even the Most Progressive U.S. Foreign Policy Blames Foreigners

When it comes to foreign policy, it ought to go without saying that Trump, Biden, and Buttigieg are walking catastrophes. A bit of research suggests that Elizabeth Warren is pretty much a true believer in slightly modified catastrophe. But what about Bernie Sanders?

I think that, as he is right now, Sanders would, overall, if pressed a typical amount, be a dramatic improvement over 45 out of 45 past U.S. presidents. But that’s a low bar. I’m delighted with his domestic policies and read more

Even the Most Progressive U.S. Foreign Policy Blames Foreigners Read More »