Search Results for: ukraine

U.S. Funds Ukrainian Organization That Creates List of U.S. Citizens Opposing Weapons to Ukraine

Here’s a list produced by a Ukrainian group with limited knowledge of the United States, a group that is listed as an “Implementing Partner” of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Project.

I find it unfortunate to read my name on a list of supposed opponents of something good for Ukraine, because I wish everyone in Ukraine peace, safety, freedom, and prosperity. The sole criterion for the read more

U.S. Funds Ukrainian Organization That Creates List of U.S. Citizens Opposing Weapons to Ukraine Read More »

5 Reasons Why What Congress Just Did Does Not Help Ukraine

You may have heard that the U.S. Congress is finally doing the decent, moral, liberal, democratic, Democratic thing and aiding Ukraine.

You may believe, as pretty much everyone I ask tells me, that there was only one other choice available, namely “letting Putin win.”

You may agree with me that the Russian government and its leader — like every government I’ve ever heard of — have done horrendous things, that invading a country militarily is one of the worst things that can ever be done read more

5 Reasons Why What Congress Just Did Does Not Help Ukraine Read More »

10 Embarrassment-Free Methods of Flipping to Peace on Ukraine

Are you a network television executive, a newspaper editorial board member, a good citizen who obeys the President of the United States, or perhaps you are the President? Do you want to support negotiated compromise in Ukraine after having spent many months denouncing compromise as the treasonous work of Putin-funded commies? You’ve come to the right place. These methods have been used with great success by your peers for over a century. They are offered free and confidentially, with satisfaction read more

10 Embarrassment-Free Methods of Flipping to Peace on Ukraine Read More »

Video of Debate on Ukraine in Madison Wisconsin on November 12

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, November 12, 2023



TV News Video.

News Report.


Nothing in my lifetime has done more to increase the risk of nuclear apocalypse than the war in Ukraine. Nothing is doing more to impede global cooperation on climate, poverty, or homelessness. Few things are doing as much direct damage in those areas, devastating the environment, disrupting grain read more

Video of Debate on Ukraine in Madison Wisconsin on November 12 Read More »

Video of Debate on Ukraine War

In this 1.5 hour friendly debate, moderated by Marcy Winograd (coordinator of CODEPINK Congress and co-chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition), we hear 3 perspectives debated: 1) Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine, argued by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, 2) Ukraine had no choice but to fight Russia, argued by journalist Jim Brooke who works as the Ukraine/Russia columnist for The New York Sun, and 3) Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war, argued by WBW Executive Director read more

Video of Debate on Ukraine War Read More »