Video of Debate on Ukraine War

In this 1.5 hour friendly debate, moderated by Marcy Winograd (coordinator of CODEPINK Congress and co-chair of the Peace in Ukraine Coalition), we hear 3 perspectives debated: 1) Russia had no choice but to invade Ukraine, argued by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, 2) Ukraine had no choice but to fight Russia, argued by journalist Jim Brooke who works as the Ukraine/Russia columnist for The New York Sun, and 3) Russia and Ukraine both had options better than war, argued by WBW Executive Director David Swanson.


-WBW’s Ukraine Action Page:

-Articles by Jim Brooke in The New York Sun:

-Ray McGovern’s Website:

-Peace in Ukraine Coalition:

3 thoughts on “Video of Debate on Ukraine War”

  1. Adele Abrahamse Roof

    Jim Brooks is a mouthpiece for the US government. Most of the things he criticizes about Russia are also true of the United States. He says that as long as Putin is in power, the war will go on. Actually, as long as the US wants to the war to go on, the war will go on.

  2. The US has weapons all around many of it’s supposed adversaries: Many nations the US wants to steal resources from. The US has weapons on the Russian border. The Russians do not have weapons in Mexico or Canada. The US is the aggressor. Brzezinski described the game of taking Ukraine in 1997. He also drew up the plans to expand NATO. The US dominates the world with its weapons. Brooke spews bias and ignores the US crimes. The US has tried to overthrow over 80 nations since WWII ended. We need rule of law for everyone.

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