Search Results for: Cuba

Leading Terrorist Nation Keeps Various Lists of Which Other Nations It Deems Terrorists, Takes Cuba Off One of Them

The world’s leading military spender, arms dealer, foreign base builder, opponent of the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court, hold-out on basic human rights and disarmament treaties, and fueler of the wars in Palestine and Ukraine has removed Cuba from its list of nations that “do not read more

Leading Terrorist Nation Keeps Various Lists of Which Other Nations It Deems Terrorists, Takes Cuba Off One of Them Read More »

ICBM: Incubating Catastrophe Beyond Measure

There’s a simple idea, advanced most effectively by Daniel Ellsberg. Whether you love nuclear weapons, believe they’re unfortunately necessary, or think they’re the stupidest thing ever to spend a cent — much less trillions of dollars — on, you ought never to imagine a need for more than the nukes on submarines and airplanes. Having them on land as well, whether you call it read more

ICBM: Incubating Catastrophe Beyond Measure Read More »

Blockading Cuba Serves No Purpose Beyond Sadism

Me in Cuba on trip with Code Pink in 2015.

Here’s a preview of a new, 3-part mini-series:

I’ve seen the first part. It’s only 12 minutes. The series was made in Cuba by Cubans and non-Cubans working together, and executive producers are Oliver Stone and Danny Glover. It’ll be on Youtube on Friday, October 9th on the Belly of the Beast channel. The series has the unfortunate title “The War on Cuba.”

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Of course, what the U.S. government read more

Blockading Cuba Serves No Purpose Beyond Sadism Read More »

“Why, This Isn’t Cuba”

Back in the 1890s those who believed conquering a continent was killing enough (without taking over Hawaii, the Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc.) included Speaker of the House Thomas Reed. He clipped an article out of a newspaper about a lynching in South Carolina. He clipped a headline about “Another Outrage in Cuba.” He pasted the two together (fake news!) and gave them to a Congressman from South Carolina who was pushing for a war on Cuba. The Congressman eagerly read the article, read more

“Why, This Isn’t Cuba” Read More »

Washington Post Erases History With Cuba

The Washington Post says:

“‘We walked freely around the streets and talked with anyone we wanted,’ Klobuchar said. ‘I did not know what to expect. . . . The people were really positive about Americans — I didn’t expect them to be that positive and that excited.’ (Well, most Cubans weren’t alive the last time we invaded.)”

Really? Havana is full of very visible celebrations of the return of the Cuban Five, who every Cuban knows were imprisoned in the read more

Washington Post Erases History With Cuba Read More »

Cuba: Land of Opportunity

What can I be sure of after only one week in Havana? Very little. There are exceptions to every pattern, and sometimes more exceptions than patterns. But a few claims, I think, are possible:

1. The sea and this island in it are stupendously beautiful even to someone longing for people and places up north.

2. The people of Cuba are sincerely warm and friendly. And, although they know the history of U.S. aggression, they sharply distinguish the U.S. government from the U.S. people. They are surprised read more

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Cuba Through the Looking Glass

Today in Havana, Mariela Castro Espin, director of the national center for sexual education and daughter of the president of Cuba, gave us a truly enlightened talk and question-and-answer session on LGBT rights, sex education, pornography (and why young people should avoid it if they want to have good sex) — plus her view of what the Cuban government is doing and should be doing on these issues. She advocates equal rights for same-sex couples and a ban on discrimination, for example.

In other read more

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Cuba Is Our Family

Cuba and the Estados Unidos have been family for so long that relationships have been reversed, forgotten, turned inside out, and repeated.

In the 19th century, the Cuban community in the United States and their supporters there were the base for revolutionary democracy and the ousting of Spanish colonial rule. Americanism and Protestantism and capitalism were seen as progressive democratic challenges to colonial control — and I mean by more than just the equivalent of Fox viewers.

Of course read more

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Cuba Is Good for Your Health

“It’s behind us,” Fernando Gonzales of the Cuban Five said with a smile when I told him just a few moments ago that I was sorry for the U.S. government having locked him in a cage for 15 years. It was nice of the New York Times to editorialize in favor of negotiations to release the remaining three, he said, especially since that paper had never reported on the story at all.

Gonzales said there is no ground for the United States keeping Cuba on its terrorist list. That there are read more

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