Talk World Radio: Abdul Jabbar on U.S.-Backed Coup in Pakistan


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This week on Talk World Radio we’re talking about a U.S. supported coup in Pakistan. Our guest Abdul Jabbar is an emeritus professor at City College of San Francisco and a former visiting professor of English at University of California, Berkeley. He came to the United States on a Fulbright scholarship and has received two National Endowment for the Humanities awards. His books are: Reading and Writing with Multicultural Literature: In Search of Reconciliation and Peace; and Not of an Age, But for All Time: Revolutionary Humanism in Iqbal, Manto, and Faiz; and The Promise, Reality, and Potential of America’s Cultural Diversity.

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music: Brush Strokes by texasradiofish (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. Ft: billraydrums

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9 thoughts on “Talk World Radio: Abdul Jabbar on U.S.-Backed Coup in Pakistan”

  1. I very much enjoyed giving this interview. The knowledge, professionalism, and courtesy of the host and producer David Swanson was exemplary. I felt rewarded for my time and effort in bringing some very important information to the viewers. I hope they also felt rewarded for their time and effort. We need more such programs to keep ourselves informed about globally significant events.

  2. Thanks to Dr. Jabbar for presenting the facts behind the removal of a popular leader, Imran Khan of Pakistan from his leadership.

  3. Dr. Abdul JABBAR’s interview is worth reaching out over 8 Billion people out out over 7 Billion. The more the better because the substance in his statement is a fact of the matter about the world politics regarding the pace of democracy in developing countries. Dr. A. JABBAR is an architect of provocative curriculum at the largest community College of North America: CCSF that were all transferable to UC System. His grasp of the subject is unique. Whatever he unfolded in his interview is an in-depth analysis of the topic. Truly, Prof. Jay Sayed

    1. Thank you, Prof. Sayed, for your comment. Coming from you, an Emeritus Professor of Political Science, it means a lot to me. It is our combined struggle. Helped by media like Talk World Radio and its producer, David Swanson, I believe we can make a difference to make our fellow human beings better informed so that they can reach their own conclusions.

  4. This was excellent. My thanks for presenting this information. Unfortunately, our country has a history of regime change mischief. This was a misconceived operation to remove a popularly elected leader. Perhaps, the best leader in Pakistan who was committed to democracy and people’s welfare. US state department decided to remove him to replace with a corrupt politician backed by military. We need many interviews and talks like Dr. Jabbar’s to educate Americans on Washington DC’s misbehavior. I am convinced that US foreign policy is influenced by Zionist interest instead of our own.

    1. Thank you, Oostur Raza, for your comment. Coming from you, a very well-informed activist for justice for all, having your support means a lot to me. It is our combined struggle. Helped by media like Talk World Radio and its producer, David Swanson, I believe we can make a difference to make our fellow human beings better informed so that they can reach their own conclusions and not cave in to any lobbies.


    Hi, Sir, every one in the world knows now, how IMRAN KHAN was removed from his position as a Prime minister. But its ironic how Americans replaced him with the most corrupt person and the rest off his party, why is the Public of PAKISTAN is being punished with this kind off Regime, who have brought the country to its knees. Why is the general public being kept in the dark.why the Pakistani Nation being targeted ???IMRAN KHAN is only Leader interested in the development and wellbeing of Pakistani people..

    1. Thank you, Mahmood sahib, for your comment and question. I just came across it. Sorry for the delayed response. Unfortunately, super powers like the U.S. do not think about the devastation their policies inflict on the innocent masses. They only deal with military elite and the corrupt politicians who will do whatever the super powers desire and not pay any attention to the suffering of the general public.

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