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About David Swanson

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is executive director of World BEYOND War and campaign coordinator of Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie and When the World Outlawed War. He blogs at and hosts Talk World Radio. Swanson was awarded the 2024 Real Nobel Peace Prize and the 2018 U.S. Peace Prize. He was also awarded a Beacon of Peace Award by the Eisenhower Chapter of Veterans For Peace in 2011, and the Dorothy Eldridge Peacemaker Award by New Jersey Peace Action in 2022. Swanson is on the advisory boards of: Nobel Peace Prize Watch, Veterans For Peace, Assange Defense, BPUR, Military Families Speak Out, Fields of Peace, and Peace in Ukraine Coalition. He is an Associate of the Transnational Foundation, and a Patron of Platform for Peace and Humanity. He is on the Consultative Council of the SHAPE Project. MORE HERE.


Talk World Radio




"When I’m casting about for experts who can speak to my students about war, the most important topic of our time, or any time, I look for two things. First, command of the facts, from the big picture to the details. Second, passion and a strong point of view. Lots of speakers meet one criterion, but very few meet both. David Swanson meets both and then some. I love having him talk to students in my seminar on war. He wakes them up, he rivets their attention. He has a fascinating answer to every possible question, and every challenge to his point of view. The only problem is that my students are disappointed when David departs and they’re just left with me.”
John Horgan
Author, The End of War, professor, Stevens Institute of Technology