Latest Mass Shooter Says He “Served” in U.S. Army

UPDATE: He has been confirmed as a veteran.

The latest mass shooter in the United States (in Dallas this morning) has a video on his Facebook page [UPDATE: The video has been removed] in which he claims to have been in the U.S. Army. Statistically, that’s likely to be true. Disproportionately, mass shooters have been trained as mass shooters by the U.S. military.

In researching that finding, however, I also found that another large percentage of mass shooters imagined themselves in the U.S. military. Some tried to join and were rejected. Others simply dressed the part and played the part. In fact, the vast majority of mass shooters were either trained by the U.S. military (including the JROTC) or were engaged in acting out a fantasy of being in the U.S. military. So it is possible that we will find the latter to be the case in Dallas today.


2 thoughts on “Latest Mass Shooter Says He “Served” in U.S. Army”

  1. Thomas Schwertscharf

    The NRA does not realize that in supporting arms here there are global implications Murder, torture, suppression of human rights is all made possible by guns. Disagree with the state.? We will shoot you on the spot. Resist arrest? We will hold you under arms on your way to the torture or concentration camp. I believe we can never have peace and justice until guns are outlawed worldwide and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is expanded into every country. Not surprised that the NRA is ignorant on global concerns since they are ignorant in every other regard. Their regard for human lives is lacking.

  2. Thomas Schwertscharf

    The NRA does not realize that in supporting arms here there are global implications. Murder, torture, suppression of human rights are all made possible by guns. Disagree with the state.? We will shoot you on the spot. Resist arrest? We will hold you under arms on your way to the torture or concentration camp. I believe we can never have peace and justice until guns are outlawed worldwide and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is expanded into every country. Not surprised that the NRA is ignorant on global concerns since they are ignorant in every other regard. Their regard for human lives is lacking.

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