FaceBook Founder Gets an Earful After Promoting XL Pipeline

Mark Zuckerberg’s complaint box is filling up.  The billionaire founder of FaceBook is behaving as destructively as other sociopaths who hoard vast riches while others starve and die for lack of medical care.  And people are letting him know how they feel about it. 

Zuckerberg’s new advocacy group FWD.us is running TV ads in support of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  A petition asks him to stop.  The comments that people are leaving on the petition ask him to do a number of other things I won’t repeat.  You’ll never guess what they’ve found that rhymes with Zuck.

FWD.us is a group of plutocrats who, instead of advocating for education funding, are advocating for the immigration of educated workers.  And in order to win over certain members of Congress on immigration policy, FWD.us has funded two front groups, one for Republicans and one for Democrats.  Both are buying TV ads supporting Congress members who support tar sands and drilling in ANWR.

Pressure is building from the backlash, and two tech executives have just quit FWD.us in protest.  To continue to build momentum, check out the comments below and add your own:

“Integrity goes a long way — longer then any pipelines.”

“How can you live with your billions and support something like this?”

“If you think this pipeline is a good idea, you need to visit the Arkansas spill, see the damage done, & maybe buy everyone affected a new house in a clean environment.

“What?  REALLY??  May I suggest that you visit Arkansas….”

“Yes, what is this about – are you kidding me? This is the earth where we live that is going to be damaged.”

“Are you out of your mind, supporting tar sands? Get a grip and a clue or we’ll start a mass exodus from FB and bring you down!  This is unacceptable and boycott-able.”

“Stop talking about subjects you don’t understand.”

“Back to MySpace — or whatever is next — GOODBYE FACEBOOK! Shame on you, Zuckerberg!!”

“Only greedy creeps push the tar sands.”


“You did a great thing with creating Facebook, however, that doesn’t qualify you to be making big decisions for the rest of us.”

“After reading about this, I’m seriously considering divesting my 1500 shares of stock in Facebook.”

“So after we get all that nasty sludge you think we should burn it up and put more crap in the atmosphere? Are you insane or suicidal? Maybe just greedy.”

“Please don’t share the destruction of our climate! Unlike.”

“I’ll be avoiding facebook until I hear that you’ve had a change of heart.”

“Zuck, your billions don’t make you God!

“Mark Zuckerberg, your young voice should not be speaking for our common destruction; has your wealth turned you plumb crazy? Has cash power corrupted you utterly? Wake up young man!”

“I have an 11 year old daughter. I put her, and the planet ahead of my business and personal profits. Wish you had the same concerns. I’m about to cancel my Facebook page.”

“Go back to school and learn how to respect the earth and life!”

Add your own.

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