New Book About NATO By Medea Benjamin and David Swanson

NATO What You Need To Know


“An indispensable primer. It can save your life — indeed all of our lives…NATO is a clear and present danger to world peace, a war machine run amok.”

— Jeffrey D. Sachs

“Read this book to understand how NATO promotes a logic of domination, not equality, or justice or peace.”

—Clare Daly, MEP

Pre-order Now and get 15% off. Books will ship in May.


What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? What role is played by its members and partners? Does the largest military alliance ever to exist serve the cause of peace or the causes of weapons sales and war mongering? Published to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the alliance, this sharp, concise account examines NATO’s origins, structure, and its goals at a time of mounting global tension.

NATO has remade itself repeatedly, as its read more

New Book About NATO By Medea Benjamin and David Swanson Read More »

5 Reasons Why What Congress Just Did Does Not Help Ukraine

You may have heard that the U.S. Congress is finally doing the decent, moral, liberal, democratic, Democratic thing and aiding Ukraine.

You may believe, as pretty much everyone I ask tells me, that there was only one other choice available, namely “letting Putin win.”

You may agree with me that the Russian government and its leader — like every government I’ve ever heard of — have done horrendous things, that invading a country militarily is one of the worst things that can ever be done read more

5 Reasons Why What Congress Just Did Does Not Help Ukraine Read More »

What Does NATO Have to Do with the Genocide in GAZA?

NATO will be celebrating 75 years of itself — and plotting future wars and weapons sales — in Washington D.C. in July, and a lot of people are busy planning a counter-summit and rally to oppose NATO’s agenda.

For those who care about life on Earth, or who are upset by the horrors and risks of one of the current wars in Gaza or Ukraine, taking steps to move humanity away from the course plotted by the largest military alliance ever to exist may seem an obvious to-do-list item.

For those upset read more

What Does NATO Have to Do with the Genocide in GAZA? Read More »

Imagine There Are No Borders

I wonder if we can. I’m sitting in the airport in Bogotá, heading back to the U.S., with only the hassle of a universal criminal x-ray/strip search/eyeballs photographing routine, delayed flights, bad food, etc., while my friends in Colombia cannot simply go through that standard global-travel routine (as they can to visit much of the world) to visit the United States, having instead to apply for permission and wait months or years. Presumably the United States wants visitors, and would just read more

Imagine There Are No Borders Read More »

In Praise of Neutrality

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, April 4, 2024

Remarks at Neutrality Congress, held April 4-6 2024 at Congress of the Republic of Colombia, Bógota, Colombia


The brilliant and wonderful late U.S. historian Howard Zinn wrote that you cannot be neutral on a moving train. We all agree, I’m sure, that in the face of injustice, one should not be neutral, that silence and inaction are means of supporting those committing wrongs, that as was said by the late Dr. Martin read more

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