Friday Night Congress: What Was That?
By David Swanson
During the middle of the day on Friday, I spent an hour or two on a conference call with activists and congressional staffers discussing next steps to end the war. We planned, among other things, to organize support for Congressman John Murtha’s bill, H.J.Res. 73, which he introduced on Friday. The bill resolves that:
“The deployment of United States forces in Iraq, by direction of Congress, is hereby terminated and the forces involved are to be redeployed at the
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Photos of Wesley's House
Here’s a photo album showing Wesley’s house the day we moved in.
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Cindy's Day in Court
By David Swanson
Cindy Sheehan has a court date Wednesday morning in Washington, D.C., and faces up to 6 months in jail for the charge of demonstrating without a permit, as a result of the civil disobedience action at the White House in September at which Cindy and nearly 400 other activists protested the war. Some paid a $75 fine. Others, including Cindy, are refusing to pay anything.
Some of those refusing to pay are required to appear in federal court at 9:30 a.m. ET on Wednesday. They’ll
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Bonifaz: A Candidate for the Rest of Us
Bonifaz: A Candidate for the Rest of Us
By David Swanson
John Bonifaz is seriously considering running for election next year as Massachusetts Secretary of State, or more properly, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A victory for him would be a victory of national importance for election reform and voting rights.
John’s Voters’ Bill of Rights includes “a guarantee of open and transparent elections with verified voting, paper trails, and access to the source codes
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Politically Strategic Impeachment
Politically Strategic Impeachment
By David Swanson
While it would of course be good for the world for Bush and Cheney to be impeached, convicted, and sent packing, would it be politically advantageous for a Congress Member to introduce articles of impeachment? And would it benefit the Democratic Party for some or all of the Democrats to push for impeachment at this time? Or should they do it later? Or is there another way?
The facts that would seem to argue in favor of pushing impeachment include
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He's a BOY!
Anna and I watched Wesley on a sonogram today and he’s a boy, and we’re calling him Wesley Neil Swanson. The Neil part is from my Dad’s name. The Wesley part is because it sounds good and we like it!
We’re moving back to Charlottesville VA next week, so the room we painted blue will have to be for another baby. But the new house already has a light blue room for Wesley!
I’ll post some photos in a second that we’ve collected recently – of Wesley’s
Letter to Ahmed Chalabi
November 9, 2005
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Chalabi
Iraqi National Congress
c/o The Ritz-Carlton Georgetown
3100 South Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Dear Mr. Deputy Prime Minister:
We write to you as members of the 60 to 70 percent of Americans who believe that this war has been (in the words of the polling companies) a “mistake,” or (in our own words) a criminal fraud. We resent the role you played in instigating it. We believe you owe an apology.
You owe an apology not to Judith
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Group Hosts Major Misleader of American People on Iraq
WASHINGTON, DC — A broad coalition of organizations opposed to the war in Iraq will be demonstrating from 2PM to 4PM on Wednesday, November 9th against the appearance of Ahmed Chalabi at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.
As an Iraqi exile before the war, Chalabi was one of the principal sources of intelligence about Iraq and its alleged weapons of mass destruction