Purposeless Death in Syria

Statement by David Swanson as Director of World Beyond War at DC press conference August 8, 2017.

C-Span video: https://www.c-span.org/video/?432288-1/activists-call-withdrawal-us-military-aircraft-syrian-airspace&start=2259

I won’t have time to list all the reasons I want U.S. military planes and drones out of Syrian skies much less all the reasons people have noted in comments on our petition, but there’s no question what my first reason is, although it’s not a reason always read more

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Talk Nation Radio: Patricia Axelrod: Abolish the Department of Veterans Affairs

Patricia Axelrod is a military scientist for peace and the Director of The Desert Storm Think Tank and ALL Veterans’ Advocate – a project dedicated to analyzing and reducing the impacts and consequences of war to civilians and soldiers alike. She is a past recipient of a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Research and Writing Award for her analysis of the modern electronic battlefield as well as a Project Censored Award. She has testified before Presidential Advisory read more

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Foreigners Are Crazy

Pew did a poll in 38 countries asking about various dangers and threats.

The United States came in 26th place in the percentage of its people who view climate change as a major threat. What can all those people in 25 countries who believe that rendering the planet’s climate uninhabitable is a major threat to their country be thinking? Russia, by the way, came in dead last, 38th place, a far more serious and well-documented criticism of Russia than any I’ve heard (and there have been read more

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Hiroshima Haunting

Remarks at Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration at Peace Garden at Lake Harriet, Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 6, 2017

Thank you for inviting me to speak here. I’m grateful and honored, but it is not an easy task. I’ve spoken on television and to large crowds and to important big shots, but here you are asking me to speak to hundreds of thousands of ghosts and billions of ghosts in waiting. To think about this subject wisely we must keep all of them in mind, as well as those who tried to prevent Hiroshima read more

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You Cannot Begin a Crime in Good Faith

Remarks at Democracy Convention in Minneapolis on Aug. 5, 2017

This morning we handed out flyers on Kellogg Boulevard in St. Paul. We encountered very few who knew why it is called that. Frank Kellogg was a hero in the sense that a whistleblower is a hero. He was a Secretary of State who had nothing but contempt for peace activism, until peace activism became too powerful, too mainstream, too irresistible. Then Kellogg changed his view, helped create the Kellogg-Briand Pact, and as Scott Shapiro read more

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Getting to Peace Through Local Governments

Remarks at the Democracy Convention, Minneapolis, Minn., August 5, 2017.

A school board member in Virginia once agreed to support creating a celebration of the International Day of Peace but said he would do so only as long as no one would misunderstand and get the idea that he was opposed to any wars.

When I talk about using local governments to get to peace, I do not mean peace in my heart, peace in my garden, city council meetings in which fewer projectiles are thrown at other people, or any read more

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