The New York Post Hates My New Book — You Know It’s Good

Here’s what the New York Post has to say about my new book, Curing Exceptionalism:

“Exceptional idiocy

“David Swanson touts his book, ‘Curing Exceptionalism,’ in a press release where he claims American Exceptionalism is ‘no less harmful than racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry. The purpose of this book is to persuade you of that statement.’

“No thanks.”

In forming his opinion prior to reading the book, using “no thanks” read more

The New York Post Hates My New Book — You Know It’s Good Read More »

Thinking Beyond Exceptionalism

Excepted from Curing Exceptionalism: What’s wrong with how we think about the United States? What can we do about it? (April, 2018).

Try this experiment: Imagine that space aliens really come to earth and really have, as I think is very unlikely, developed the ability to travel to earth while simultaneously remaining so primitive as to violently attack the places they visit. In contrast to the space aliens, could you identify as an earthling to such an extent as to diminish your other senses read more

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Talk Nation Radio: Mitchell Plitnick on John Bolton

Mitchell Plitnick is former vice president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He is the former director of the U.S. Office of B’Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, and was previously the director of education and policy for Jewish Voice for Peace. He’s published an article called “John Bolton: The Essential Profile.” See:

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
read more

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Trumparade of 2018 Stupidest Idea Since Philadelphia Liberty Loan Parade of 1918

It’s hard not to focus on the fact that Trump has picked the 100th anniversary of the first Armistice Day celebration for his weaponry parade (more on that below). But there was another parade a month and a half before the armistice that cries out for comparison because of its remarkable stupidity. I’m thinking of the Liberty Loan Parade in Philadelphia:

This was a parade to squeeze more money out of people to pay for war, to celebrate patrioti-nationali-militarism, and to reject fake news. read more

Trumparade of 2018 Stupidest Idea Since Philadelphia Liberty Loan Parade of 1918 Read More »

Statement of World BEYOND War Director on John Bolton Appointment

“Imagining that Donald Trump can’t do something worse each day than the day before has been doomed to failure since long before John Bolton’s appointment,” said David Swanson, director of World BEYOND War. “But this one is stunning. Trump just nominated an advocate of overthrows, religious wars, and strenuous avoidance of peace to head the State Department, and simultaneously found someone even worse, a sadistic torturer, to nominate for the top job at the CIA. How do you top that? With read more

Statement of World BEYOND War Director on John Bolton Appointment Read More »

Wait Just a Minute

Exactly at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918, people across Europe suddenly stopped shooting guns at each other. Up until that moment, they were killing and taking bullets, falling and screaming, moaning and dying. Then they stopped, on schedule. It wasn’t that they’d gotten tired or come to their senses. Both before and after 11 o’clock they were simply following orders. The Armistice agreement that ended World War I had set 11 o’clock as quitting time. Henry Nicholas read more

Wait Just a Minute Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Shahid Buttar on Why He’s Running to Unseat Nancy Pelosi

Shahid Buttar, who should be familiar to peace and justice activists, is now running for public office in an open California primary for the seat in Congress now occupied by Nancy Pelosi. Learn more:

Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

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