Yet Again: John McCain Has NOT Been an Opponent of Torture

Let’s get this straight:

1788 United states ratifies Constitution, ordaining that all treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land.

1791 United States ratifies the Bill of Rights, banning cruel and unusual punishment.

1948 United States joins the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, forbidding cruel, infamous or unusual punishment.

1948 United States ratifies the Universal Declaration of Human Rights banning torture or cruel, inhuman read more

Yet Again: John McCain Has NOT Been an Opponent of Torture Read More »

Tim Kaine’s War Scam Hits a Speed Bump

Virginia ought to be in the running for worst U.S. senators in the country, a couple of walking catastrophes empowered in part by their status as Democrats and, in one case, the status of rightful Vice President if not for various outrages, real (the Electoral College, vote suppression) and imagined (Vladimir Putin’s evil manipulation of the time-space continuum). While Senator Mark Warner loves him some torturers he can confirm to high office, Tim Kaine has bigger plans.

Senator Tim Kaine read more

Tim Kaine’s War Scam Hits a Speed Bump Read More »

War Is Love

Photo by Truthdig.

On Monday I was arrested along with many other people in the street in front of the U.S. Capitol, participating in the new Poor People’s Campaign, the first multi-issue coalition we’ve seen in years that properly takes on militarism rather than indulging the fantasy of a $1 trillion a year military coexisting with decent humanitarian and environmental policies.

Yet it was hard at this peaceful gathering and in the “training” before it not to notice people’s read more

War Is Love Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: The Movement Music of Tom Neilson

This week on Talk Nation Radio we will be speaking with and listening to the music of Tom Neilson. He has received over two dozen awards, including two song of the year awards from Independent Musicians. In 2017, he received the Arab American Women Association Award for Education About Palestine Through Performance Art. In 2015 he was nominated for the United Nations Nelson Mandela Award for Lifetime Achievement in Peace and Justice. Tom and his partner Lynn Waldron will be performing this September read more

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Forces of Corruption Are Horrified of a Trump Impeachment

If you do a daily web search for “impeachment,” here’s what you’ll get used to seeing. Most use of impeachment is outside the United States. Most use of impeachment within the United States is outside of Washington, D.C. Most media mention of impeachment in relation to Trump is strongly opposed to it and to the small-d democratic threat it holds for those in power. And the very worst members of both major parties (yes, including the “resistance”) are leading read more

Forces of Corruption Are Horrified of a Trump Impeachment Read More »

Militarism Mapped

World BEYOND War has just released an updated 2018 mapping of militarism in the world. The map system can be explored and adjusted to display what you’re looking for, as well as display precise data and its sources at

Here are some examples of what it can show:

Where wars are present that directly and violently killed over 1,000 people in 2017:

Where wars are present and where wars come from are two different questions. If we look at where money is spent on wars read more

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Enough is Enough. The Time Has Come to BDS the US.

People, organizations, and governments around the world, and people and organizations in the United States, need to stand up at long last and nonviolently resist the lawless behavior of the rogue U.S. government.

The recent U.S. withdrawal from the nuclear agreement with Iran is not an aberration. It parallels the U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and numerous other disarmament agreements, the U.S. opposition to the International Criminal Court, its record-setting use of the read more

Enough is Enough. The Time Has Come to BDS the US. Read More »

How ‘American Exceptionalism’ Is Exploited to Justify War and Exploitation

Curing Exceptionalism.

BEN NORTON: It’s The Real News. I’m Ben Norton.

This is part two of my interview with the activist and journalist David Swanson. We’re discussing his new book “Curing Exceptionalism,” which is about the disease, if you will, of American exceptionalism. In the first part, we discussed how American exceptionalism is ultimately a political ideology that does not have its basis in empirical facts. We talked about how according to international metrics, so many read more

How ‘American Exceptionalism’ Is Exploited to Justify War and Exploitation Read More »