Talk Nation Radio: Peter Phillips on The Global Power Elite

Peter Phillips has been a Professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University since 1994. He was Director of Project Censored from 1996 to 2010 and President of the Media Freedom Foundation from 2003 to 2017. He has been editor or co-editor of fourteen editions of Censored, co-editor with Dennis Loo of Impeach the President: The Case Against Bush and Cheney 2006, editor of two editions of Progressive Guide to Alternative Media and Activism 1999 & 2004. read more

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Bernie Sanders Starts Mentioning the Military Budget

Bernie Sanders has added the existence of foreign policy onto the bottom of emails like the one below, after having posted a video of himself quoting the usual Eisenhower quotes on military spending. These changes match the request made when World BEYOND War and asked 100 prominent people to sign an open letter to U.S. Senator Bernie read more

Bernie Sanders Starts Mentioning the Military Budget Read More »

Corrupt Spineless Iraqi Legislators Are Right

You’ve got 5,000 armed foreign troops stationed in your country. You don’t say a word until the idiot foreign emperor stages a surprise visit. Then you’re outraged principally because he didn’t notify you or meet with you or put up any pretense that your country belonged to you in any way. At that point you demand that the U.S. occupation of Iraq finally be brought to a bitter better-late-than-never end. And you’re damn right.

The U.S. has been helping Iraq into ever-worsening read more

Corrupt Spineless Iraqi Legislators Are Right Read More »

Charlottesville As Cartoon

Here in Charlottesville, as in most places, we like our stories simple. Most books by local author John Grisham have good guys and bad guys. When a UVa sports team wins, everybody says “Yay, we won!” When it loses, three-quarters of the people say “Boo, we lost!” Reality that gets messier than a coyote and roadrunner adventure gives us trouble.

When we’re fed a fictional tale of sexual assault at a UVa fraternity by Rollingstone magazine, we like to declare read more

Charlottesville As Cartoon Read More »

Isolationism or Imperialism: You Really Can’t Imagine a Third Possibility?

Of the United Nations’ 18 major human rights treaties, the United States is party to 5, fewer than any other nation on earth, except Bhutan (4), and tied with Malaya Malaysia, Myanmar, and South Sudan, a country torn by warfare since its creation in 2011. The United States is the only nation on earth that has not ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is the only country to have read more

Isolationism or Imperialism: You Really Can’t Imagine a Third Possibility? Read More »

Russiagate Smashes Human Survival Attempts

By David Swanson

“There’s millions of commies in the freedom fight
“Yelling for Lenin and civil rights
“How do I know? I read it in the Daily News
—Tom Paxton

Humanity faces climate and nuclear threats to its existence, spearheaded by the U.S. government. Survival proposals, or what your television calls fringe leftist schemes backed by Vladimir Putin (who, for the most part, does not back them), face many hurdles just to be heard. Unless you’re a 15-year-old read more

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Talk Nation Radio: Leonard Higgins on Extinction Rebeliion

Leonard Higgins is a member of the Extinction Rebellion U.S. National Coordination Team and was a valve turner two years ago, one of a number of activists who took nonviolent action to shut off pipelines. Now new nonviolent actions are underway.

Learn more:


Total run time: 29:00
Host: David Swanson.
Producer: David Swanson.
Music by Duke Ellington.

Download from LetsTryDemocracy or Archive.

Pacifica stations can also download from Audioport.

Syndicated read more

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U.S. Military Out of Syria

U.S. President Donald Trump has announced his intention to remove all U.S. troops from Syria.

If that happens it will fulfill part of the demand that World BEYOND War has been making since Trump promised nine months ago to get “out” of Syria “like very soon.”

Removing troops from the ground — all of them, not just some — and ceasing base construction, if it happens, will be a start.

Even more important is ceasing to bomb from above.

In addition, alternative approaches need to be launched, read more

U.S. Military Out of Syria Read More »

And So This Is Christmas

Christmas Day. Very late on this day and into the morning of the 26th in 1776, George Washington led a surprise night crossing of the Delaware River and bloody pre-dawn attack on unarmed hung-over-from-Christmas troops still in their underwear — a founding act of violence for the new nation to proudly remember as the progenitor of either the crimes of its “special” forces all over the globe or of peace on earth, I can never recall which.

A more useful memory is certainly that of the read more

And So This Is Christmas Read More »

Ask the City of Charlottesville to Divest from Weapons and Fossil Fuels

Sign this petition to The City Council of Charlottesville, Virginia:
Divest all public money from weapons companies, major war profiteers, and fossil fuel companies.
Sign Here.

The City of Charlottesville has approximately $3 million invested in fossil fuel companies ($1.4 m in energy company bonds, plus approximately $1.6 m through funds invested in by Charlottesville’s retirement fund). It may have about the same in weapons companies, as it has $1.1 m directly invested in four “aerospace read more

Ask the City of Charlottesville to Divest from Weapons and Fossil Fuels Read More »