Shannon Airport Sprays Carcinogenic Chemicals

A public statement with signers listed below. September 19, 2019

The #NoWar2019 conference and rally are planned for Limerick and Shannon on October 5 and 6.

On August 15, 2019, a U.S. military plane caught fire at Shannon Airport. The Shannon Airport Authority Fire Service put out the fire using a spray foam. The Fire Service uses foam containing carcinogenic chemicals.

Photo from The Irish Times.

On August 26, 2019, Pat O’Brien, the Chief Fire Officer at Shannon Airport, wrote to Senator Paul read more

Shannon Airport Sprays Carcinogenic Chemicals Read More »

Every Peace Group and Activist Should Join Strike DC for the Earth’s Climate

Peace activists and organizations have worked for years to bring environmental and peace activism together. When an environmental campaign includes the peace movement, it’s time to join in and show up and take part.

Listen to how Russell Gray of Extinction Rebellion talks about peace and the climate. If we want to build the coalition of peace and environmental movements that we’ve dreamed of, this is how we do it.

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Every Peace Group and Activist Should Join Strike DC for the Earth’s Climate Read More »

Talk Nation Radio: Russell Gray on Plans to Shut Down Streets for Climate

Russell Gray grew up in Kansas City, graduated from college in 2017 and took a banking regulation job with the U.S. government. He left that job in November 2018 to help start the climate group Extinction Rebellion ( ) in the United States. He’s now working to shut down DC on September 23rd ( see ) as a follow up to the September 20th global climate strike and a lead up to further climate strike actions around the globe. Join World BEYOND read more

Talk Nation Radio: Russell Gray on Plans to Shut Down Streets for Climate Read More »

Smedley Butler’s Speech Against War in Charlottesville in 1937

I didn’t know until recently that Smedley Butler had ever been to my town. Then I heard that he’d spoken at the University of Virginia here in Charlottesville in 1937. The University of Virginia had the speech tucked away in its stacks and was kind enough to dig it out. It’s pasted below.

If you haven’t heard of Smedley Butler and don’t know why he’s a major hero to Veterans for Peace and peace advocates in general (as well as having been a Major General), I read more

Smedley Butler’s Speech Against War in Charlottesville in 1937 Read More »