Petition Asks U.S. Presidential Candidates for Their Budgets

A petition supported by World BEYOND War,, and Daily Kos, has thus far gathered over 12,000 signatures from people asking presidential candidates to propose federal budgets.

An important job of any U.S. president is to propose an annual budget to Congress. The basic outline of such a budget can consist of a list or a pie chart communicating — in dollar amounts and/or percentages — how much government spending ought to go where.

As far as we know, no non-incumbent candidate for read more

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Talk Nation Radio: Lisa McCrea on How Military Bases Are Poisoning Us

Lisa McCrea is an environmental and human rights activist, and the mother of five. She lived on the former George Air Force Base in California from 1987 to 1991. She found out 30 years after first stepping foot on the base that it was and is extremely contaminated with numerous toxic substances, including nuclear waste. She became partially disabled in 1990 and completely disabled in 2003, at the age of 35, as a direct result of her contamination exposure. In 2017, she switched her focus from read more

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Charlottesville City Council Passes Resolution Against War on Iran

Charlottesville Virginia’s City Council voted Monday evening to adopt a resolution opposing war on Iran and urging passage by Congress of Senator Tim Kaine’s privileged resolution.

The City Council re-affirmed the position it had taken in 2012 in passing a resolution against war on Iran.

The latest threat of war on Iran  is particularly Trumpian, but it has also been in the works for decades. Many in the U.S. government have wanted to attack Iran since 1979, and the Shah’s son read more

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Charlottesville Rally Against War on Iran

Come to a rally against war on Iran at 2pm on Sunday, January 5 at the Federal Building and U.S. District Court on West Main Street in Charlottesville, Va.

The City of Charlottesville is on record opposing war on Iran.

Senator Kaine has introduced a privileged resolution to force a vote on ending it now.

Everyone can email their Senators and Representative.

The case against war is overwhelming.

Over 80 U.S. cities, and others elsewhere, held demonstrations for peace on Saturday.

​This crisis read more

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