Author name: davidswanson

What Would Lennon Do?

By David Swanson

Let’s Impeach Them (Bush Is Over)
With Thanks to John Lennon, Yoko Ono, George Mason, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson

So let’s impeach them.
They lied about war.
If we don’t impeach them,
What the hell are laws for?
So let’s impeach them.
They lied and they spied.
They tortured and murdered.
Now where will they hide?

CHORDS: / D – / Em – / A7 – / D – / G – / Am – / D – / G – /

We’ll remove read more

What Would Lennon Do? Read More »

Why Congress Must Reauthorize the Use of the Constitution

By David Swanson

It is at least conceivable that Congressman Jack Murtha and company are backing off on requiring that Bush and Cheney send only prepared, equipped, and rested men and women to the slaughter for more than one reason. One reason, of course, is that Fox News has called Murtha and company traitors. But there could be a second reason. Someone somewhere may just have pointed out that Congress has enacted these limitations before and Bush has undone them with a signing statement. read more

Why Congress Must Reauthorize the Use of the Constitution Read More »

Impeach07 Campaign Launched

The impeachment movement is uniting and expanding. We’re joining with many other organizations to launch Impeach07, a coordinated series of actions aimed at impeaching Bush and Cheney through widespread public protest, creative dissent, media activism, education, and lobbying:

Bush and Cheney have misled this nation into an aggressive war, spied in open violation of the law, and sanctioned the use of torture — among numerous other offenses. Newsweek reported read more

Impeach07 Campaign Launched Read More »

Movement in the Impeachment Movement

By Evan Derkacz, Alternet
Guest post by David Swanson.

There is movement in the impeachment movement. And it’s motivated by a strange sensation: hope. In Olympia, Wa., on Tuesday, over 800 people crammed in for a forum on impeachment with Ray McGovern, Elizabeth de la Vega, and Dave Lindorff. Why?

Not, I think, because of those three people, each of whom I consider a friend and a brilliant speaker. Rather, the excitement was focused on Eric Oemig, a state senator, who was there to discuss read more

Movement in the Impeachment Movement Read More »


What is 99,289?
That’s the number of people who have signed a petition opposing an attack on Iran.
What is 711?
No, it’s not a convenience store.
Oh, you didn’t think that? See, you’re quicker than our unitary executive!
That’s right: It’s the number of people — you and your friends — who have to spend 10 seconds each at

in order for us to be able to announce a total of 100,000 people opposing this looming aggressive read more


Peace Activists Just Threw Out a Prime Minister: Too Bad It Was Italy's

By David Swanson

Prime Minister Richard Cheney may be glancing around with more nervousness and menace than usual after recent news reports, not just from the Libby trial, but also from Italy, where the peace movement has just thrown out a prime minister.

In 1987-88 and various times since, I lived in northern Italy near a town called Vicenza. This is not Venezia, otherwise known as Venice. This is Vicenza. It’s inland from Venice. It’s a medium-sized and absolutely beautiful town read more

Peace Activists Just Threw Out a Prime Minister: Too Bad It Was Italy's Read More »

The Fierce Urgency of Impeachment

By David Swanson

Remarks at Emergency Impeachment Conference in New York City, February 17, 2007

It’s an honor to be speaking with these panelists and it’s great to be back in New York. But I want to ask you one thing about New York, because there’s something I heard Senator Hillary Clinton say and I want to know if it’s true. Is it true that if you live in New York you have to support this war? Can you live in New York and work for peace?

That’s what I thought.

I read more

The Fierce Urgency of Impeachment Read More »