Search Results for: russiagate

Russia Is Our Friend

Last May I was in Russia when fascists held a rally in my hometown of Charlottesville, not to be confused with their larger rally which followed in August. At the May rally, people shouted “Russia is our friend.” I was on a Russian TV show called Crosstalk the next day and discussed this. I also discussed it with other Russians, actual friends in the human sense. Some of them were completely bewildered, read more

Russia Is Our Friend Read More »

Impeachment Safety 101

As with any dangerous tool, impeachment should be used with proper safety precautions. Among these should be taking care not to increase the chance of a nuclear war while trying to start an impeachment.

Since Inauguration Day 2017, has promoted impeachment of Donald Trump for violation of both the domestic and foreign emoluments clauses of the U.S. Constitution. The domestic clause, barring corruption from within the United States, read more

Impeachment Safety 101 Read More »

Alan Dershowitz Is Not the Only One Who Gets Impeachment Bassackwards

The eternal question of U.S. politics rears its ugly ass again: “Why in the hell does anyone ever listen to Alan Dershowitz?”

No court can overturn a Congressional impeachment and conviction. Will somebody at Fox and CNN page the nearest genocidal torture-defending lawyer, who is either Alan Dershowitz or someone joining him on a search for the real O.J. Simpson killer at a five-star restaurant for lunch today, and get Dershowitz a copy of the United States Constitution?

The Constitution read more

Alan Dershowitz Is Not the Only One Who Gets Impeachment Bassackwards Read More »

Why Ocasio-Cortez’ Platform Is So Great

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ platform is dramatically better than many may realize. It tackles the greatest evil in existence in a way that no other big-2 congressional candidate’s website does and which most do not even mention. And in doing so, it makes serious much of the rest of her socialist platform in a way that even presidential candidate Bernie Sanders did not — a way promoted by the peace movement, the Poor People’s Campaign, and Black Lives Matter.

War and war preparations read more

Why Ocasio-Cortez’ Platform Is So Great Read More »

Sweden’s Military Madness

The government of Sweden has reinstated the military draft and sent a war propaganda brochure to all Swedes promoting fear, Russophobia, and warlike thinking.

While my last name comes from Sweden, I’m writing this in the United States and will no doubt be obliged to acknowledge that the militarist threat from tiny Sweden hardly compares with that of the Pentagon. While Sweden is fifth in dealing weaponry to poor countries and ninth in dealing read more

Sweden’s Military Madness Read More »

Trumperial Presidency

A January 29th letter from the U.S. president’s lawyer Marc Kasowitz claims that the president cannot possibly obstruct justice, can refuse a subpoena to testify, and cannot be indicted while president. The letter also seems to claim that he can pardon himself for his crimes. The hope that such a reading misinterpreted the letter was pretty well smashed when the same president’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said this weekend that the Constitution says the president can pardon himself.

Here’s read more

Trumperial Presidency Read More »

Forces of Corruption Are Horrified of a Trump Impeachment

If you do a daily web search for “impeachment,” here’s what you’ll get used to seeing. Most use of impeachment is outside the United States. Most use of impeachment within the United States is outside of Washington, D.C. Most media mention of impeachment in relation to Trump is strongly opposed to it and to the small-d democratic threat it holds for those in power. And the very worst members of both major parties (yes, including the “resistance”) are leading read more

Forces of Corruption Are Horrified of a Trump Impeachment Read More »

Russia and U.S. Senators Want Disarmament, Media Does Not

Talk Nation Radio Transcript

Audio here.

David Swanson: Ray McGovern, welcome back to Talk Nation Radio.

Ray McGovern: Thank you, David.

DS: It’s great to have you back. You’ve been writing about lots of topics, one of them being arms control, or the lack thereof, and, of course, U.S.-Russian relations. What should people know that CNN isn’t telling them?

RM: How much time do we have, David?

DS: We’ve got 28 minutes.

RM: I’m joshing, of course. There’s read more

Russia and U.S. Senators Want Disarmament, Media Does Not Read More »

Bernie Sanders Hits on Winning Message He Avoided in 2016

A video has shown up on Senator Bernie Sanders’ Facebook page, with his name on it and his face in it making all the familiar (to a small number of people) points about U.S. military spending (how much it is, how it compares to the rest of the world, how it does not produce jobs, what wonders could be achieved with a small fraction of it, etc.).

I wish there were mention of the fact that it kills huge numbers of people, or that it risks apocalypse, or that it damages the earth’s environment. read more

Bernie Sanders Hits on Winning Message He Avoided in 2016 Read More »

Oh For Godsake, Leave Jill Stein Alone

I’ve known Jill Stein for years. I knew weeks ago that the Senate “Intelligence” Committee was coming after her. I set up this petition to put reasonable limits on Russiagate. But I’ve not heard from Jill, nor had any secret communication from my good friend Vladimir, nor any such nonsense. I criticize the Russian and U.S. governments as they deserve it. Nearly three years ago, Russia read more

Oh For Godsake, Leave Jill Stein Alone Read More »