By David Swanson
Presentation on May 24, 2005, at the Second National Summit on Equitable Development, Social Justice, and Smart Growth,, in Philadelphia, Penn.
It is with some hesitation that I speak about communicating ideas on regional equity and smart growth to a gathering of experts on the topic. I am not an expert on regional sustainability, but I would never admit that in front of a television camera! Like anyone else, I know enough that’s worth saying, and like anyone who’s trained a little in how to talk to broadcast reporters, I know enough to answer a question that I don’t know the answer to with an explanation that what I have to say is more important than what was asked. And hopefully I know enough about communications to offer some useful ideas here.
I’m not completely ignorant of the issues. When I worked for the community group ACORN, I worked with PolicyLink and others on a couple of related campaigns. One was a campaign that almost passed state legislation in California to require regional tax sharing in the Sacramento region