March 2010

Single-Payer Healthcare Coming to Missouri

By David Swanson

Canada did not create a civilized healthcare system nationally until its provinces led the way. Clearly Congress is dragging behind the states in our country, and it is through state successes that we will eventually compel the U.S. government to provide our people with this basic human right.

Hawaii has a single-payer healthcare system. California’s legislature has passed a single-payer bill three times but not yet found a governor to sign it into law. Single-payer read more

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The Saddest Story

By David Swanson

One of the most unusual books and far-and-away the saddest I have ever read is James Douglass’s “JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.” This is the best documented account ever produced of why and how the CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy. That the CIA did this is beyond dispute, and that the first President Bush was involved is well established by Russ Baker’s book “Family of Secrets.” What separates Douglass’s book read more

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A History of Recent US Politics in 75 Words

Stage 1: Media debate between Republicans in power and what the people and the Democrats want.

Stage 2: The people give the Democrats complete control.

Stage 3: Media debate between the hideous proposals of the Democrats and the powerless Republicans.

Stage 4: A debate between the proposals of those in power and what we the people demand begins to percolate up through the internet and grassroots organizing.

Stage 5: We take control or lose it completely.

A History of Recent US Politics in 75 Words Read More »