Three-Percentism – or – What's the Matter With Palm Beach?

By David Swanson

What the liberal activist world is doing for healthcare bears a striking similarity to what Christianists do for billionaires. Supporting tax breaks for the richest three-percent of Americans because you hate gay people or women or blacks or sex does not at first look much like supporting a “public option” for three percent of the poorest of Americans.

But both shape national policy around a supposedly national program that in reality will benefit only some small percentage of people. Feel free to quibble over the number, but Obama promised the insurance companies in a speech to a joint session of Congress on September 9, 2009, that it would be under 5 percent. Let’s be generous and call it four, a “public option” for four percent of us.

We love to mock the poor ignorant religious nuts who pour all their energy into electing millionaires who work for billionaires just because the campaigns attack abortion and homosexuality. But, let’s face it, the leftist activist nonprofit complex has been dumping everything for well over a year into something they give the Orwellian name “public” that just isn’t.

What an immoral waste.

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