

ImpeachBybee.org Open for what to do and why.

CLICK HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

The New York Times finally wants somebody impeached and it’s Jay Bybee.

A Spanish judge is seeking an indictment of Jay Bybee.

Jay Bybee’s “legal” memos were thrown out by the Bush administration.

Jay Bybee signed memos authorizing torture.

Jay Bybee is a federal judge with a lifetime appointment.

Lawyers have been held accountable for the crime of pretending to legalize crimes before, read more

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Personal Torture Laws: Your Tax Dollars at Work

By David Swanson

On August 1, 2002, then-Assistant Attorney General of the United States Jay Bybee sent an 18-page official memorandum from the Office of Legal Counsel to the Acting General Counsel of the CIA John Rizzo. Such memos are treated as laws within our government, not opinions, not theories, not briefings, but laws. They are secret laws, but in many cases there’s not much risk of us ordinary schmucks who don’t know the laws violating them, at least not without also violating read more

Personal Torture Laws: Your Tax Dollars at Work Read More »

Congressman Nadler Asks for Special Prosecutor for Torture

Congressman Jerrold Nadler has just publicly asked that the Attorney General appoint a special prosecutor. Please THANK HIM, and please ask him and ask your congress member to jointly send to Eric Holder the letter that Nadler and 55 other congress members sent to Michael Mukasey requesting a special prosecutor last summer, or an updated version thereof.

Here is a release from Nadler’s office:

8th Congressional District of New York
Nadler Applauds Obama read more

Congressman Nadler Asks for Special Prosecutor for Torture Read More »

Obama Protecting Bush from Spain?

The official story is that Spain has decided not to prosecute Bush’s torture lawyers. Yet the known facts suggest something else entirely.

1-We know that the prosecutor who initiated this effort wants to prosecute Bush. He wrote about it months ago. We know that he and his colleagues see targeting the lawyers first as a step in Bush’s direction and more likely to move forward than a case that starts at the top.

2-We know from Scott Horton’s reporting that Spain and the Obama read more

Obama Protecting Bush from Spain? Read More »

Obama's Press Secretary Explains Rights, Laws, and Lack Thereof

By David Swanson

If you missed Tuesday’s press conference at the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs got himself into some trouble, and it all started with those two little syllables:


Upon which Helen Thomas one again abandoned propriety and asked an actual question:

“Why is the President blocking habeas corpus from prisoners at Bagram? I thought he taught constitutional law. And these prisoners have been there –“

Here’s where Gibbs stepped in read more

Obama's Press Secretary Explains Rights, Laws, and Lack Thereof Read More »

Who Cuts Deficits Again?

UPDATE: Someone pointed out to me that the cartoon does not necessarily show deficits going down, so this is a better first paragraph than the original below:

You ran a cartoon on Tax Day April 15th depicting former president Ronald Reagan reducing spending by reducing taxes and President Obama increasing taxes by increasing spending. The latter might prove true, but is a prediction, and thus far Obama has proposed lowering taxes for 95 percent of us. The former is simply not true. Reagan cut read more

Who Cuts Deficits Again? Read More »

Bag the Teabagging

By David Swanson

The Charlottesville Daily Progress’, my local newspaper, like yours, has a resident rightwinger. In this case: Bryan McKenzie (imagine if they had a leftist too, the additional readers they could pick up!). McKenzie, like the guy at your paper, is taking his marching orders from Fox News and promoting a teabagging tax day tea party on April 15th. (In this case: at the Charlottesville Pavilion from 3 to 6 p.m. Wednesday.)

Sadly, those involved in these events across the nation read more

Bag the Teabagging Read More »